Things you wish you could say

True story of what happened yesterday:
I am at work (takes place outside) and these 2 kids CLEARLY under the age of 13 are on skateboards basically riding in the busy main street which duels as the highway (highway runs through middle of town. The kid loses his skateboard that rolls in front of a semi truck! Luckily this truck driver is aware and slows way down. Usually semis barrel through the town. Here are these 2 boys laughing and cussing (lots of F, S, A words.. remember these kids are not even 13 yet). I yell to the kids to get over here (which they showed COMPLETE disrespect not only to me and the lady that was with me), acting that they didn't do anything wrong and started walking away and cussing as we tried to explain the danger that they put a good majority of people in. When we asked where their parents are.. they are at home. So the boys are running free basically on the highway. They didn't care whatsoever. If those were MY kids.. they would've gotten a good spanking. Also, I want to have a good talk to the parents and give them a spanking too.

I am SO glad that no one was hurt but I'm still angry that it happened.
Similar story but I think mine was worse. I was coming home from work one day and came to our town circle. The road is a state route so there are semis that drive through. A TODDLER was on his tricycle riding in the middle of the town circle! Like, in the street! Just around and around the circle, blocking traffic. He stopped a tractor and a semi plus a few cars. These big ass vehicles are stuck behind a three year old on a trike. I drove my ass right to the police station to report it. The cop couldn't believe it. I didn't hang around to see the kid get his butt chewed and have no clue where his parents were

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