Things you wish you could say

Folks, I am hurting here!

Not being able to talk about subjects so crucial to farm living, such as government-implemented farming policies/mandates, is just wrong. Hard truth: We farm by the grace of our governments. We’d better know what they doing, and be able to talk about it.

I’m NOT talking about bashing this politisn or that, but rather, learning about policies (the good, the bad & the ugly) that affect our lives to the core and what we can seriously DO about it as serious, intelligent human beings.
Reddit? 😉
Folks, I am hurting here!

Not being able to talk about subjects so crucial to farm living, such as government-implemented farming policies/mandates, is just wrong. Hard truth: We farm by the grace of our governments. We’d better know what they doing, and be able to talk about it.

I’m NOT talking about bashing this politisn or that, but rather, learning about policies (the good, the bad & the ugly) that affect our lives to the core and what we can seriously DO about it as serious, intelligent human beings.
Someone may have suggested this but you may want to start a 'Private Message' group.
Sounds like something that would be a legit forum.
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I did not know such a thing existed. A loophole? Sneaky?
Wouldn’t a change in BYC policy be better then being sneaky?
there is a very active prayer thread you might enjoy.

a change in policy for the whole board to allow a very polarizing topic doesn’t seem like a great idea when there are certain threads that satisfy the desire of a few members.
I did not know such a thing existed. A loophole? Sneaky?
Wouldn’t a change in BYC policy be better then being sneaky?
I don't actually see it as sneaky or a loophole, and I don't think a change in policy would make sense in this case.

The rule said,
We strongly discourage religious, political, and other strongly divisive topics, and reserve the right to delete them at our discretion.

I read that as "strongly discourage... strongly divisive topics," with a mention of certain topics that often are strongly divisive.

A private conversation among like-minded people might not be "divisive," because people who would disagree just don't see it, so they don't jump in and start arguing. A thread visible to everyone can easily become a big angry argument. I've seen several such threads that got closed down, even though there are also some threads that have stayed polite and kept going. Even if the people in a private conversation disagree, as long as they discuss it politely, it would probably be fine.

(quote from the rules comes from here:

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