Things you wish you could say

I’m a hillbilly…I don’t get it!
I lived over 50 years in the same house in a place where snow happens maybe once every 10 to 15 years, and it's gone before the day is. I wasn't looking forward to fetching the creamer from the greenhouse in 20 degree weather. I went and got it anyway.

Someday my house will be done and all of my stuff will be in there.
Oh, I got the point. And who knows what they use the trucks for? Trucks are used for much more than farming or construction. My point is, a few years ago, gas was much cheaper. Now it's too expensive and all for political reasons

LOL. I've always been a country girl, so I know trucks are like boots. They are for working. Trucks are meant to get dirty. If you're not hauling a trailer or loading up the bed of a truck, then you aren't really using it. And you're wasting a lot of money every time you drive it.
Where I live is fully country, 75% of drivers are in trucks. And everywhere I go those beds are empty.
My three closest neighbors don't do a lick of farm work but they have 8 trucks between them. One can't even drive them so he's missing fenders on both sides he took off on the fences.
So, when you say "trucks have other uses than work" I think you must mean as ego-stokers.

When gas went up this summer it cost me all of $2 more per tank, so I had nothing to whine about.
My neighbors on the other hand? The more they complained the less sense I thought they had. Obviously I kept a lid on that or I wouldn't be venting here.
LOL. I've always been a country girl, so I know trucks are like boots. They are for working. Trucks are meant to get dirty. If you're not hauling a trailer or loading up the bed of a truck, then you aren't really using it. And you're wasting a lot of money every time you drive it.
Where I live is fully country, 75% of drivers are in trucks. And everywhere I go those beds are empty.
My three closest neighbors don't do a lick of farm work but they have 8 trucks between them. One can't even drive them so he's missing fenders on both sides he took off on the fences.
So, when you say "trucks have other uses than work" I think you must mean as ego-stokers.

When gas went up this summer it cost me all of $2 more per tank, so I had nothing to whine about.
My neighbors on the other hand? The more they complained the less sense I thought they had. Obviously I kept a lid on that or I wouldn't be venting here.
You completely missed my point. And I said trucks are for more than just construction or farming. Those aren't the only "work". And yes, people can buy a truck for whatever they want. My brother in law has a truck to haul his snow mobile trailer. But he doesn't have another vehicle, so I guess when he's not currently hauling his trailer, his truck isin't "working?" And the gas prices don't need to be as high as they are, THAT'S my main point
You completely missed my point. And I said trucks are for more than just construction or farming. Those aren't the only "work". And yes, people can buy a truck for whatever they want. My brother in law has a truck to haul his snow mobile trailer. But he doesn't have another vehicle, so I guess when he's not currently hauling his trailer, his truck isin't "working?" And the gas prices don't need to be as high as they are, THAT'S my main point

This was never about your point - you tried to hijack my vent and twist it to give yourself an opportunity to get political. This forum is not about politics. You aren't being respectful of others right to speak their minds when you come to take it over and turn it in different directions.
This was never about your point - you tried to hijack my vent and twist it to give yourself an opportunity to get political. This forum is not about politics. You aren't being respectful of others right to speak their minds when you come to take it over and turn it in different directions.
Serious Cary Elwes GIF
You can absolutely buy a pickup truck to look at it. But if you run all your errands in a truck, don't use it for work, and then whine about the cost of gas? Yeah, that is not sensible.

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