Things you wish you could say

Your brain is full of spiders,
Youā€™ve got garlic in your soul.
The Grinch Heart GIF by The Good Films
Remember this is a season of love.

never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
--Hanlon's razor
That lines up with Harlan Ellison's oft-misquoted revelation that "Aside from Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe is Stupidity"
That lines up with Harlan Ellison's oft-misquoted revelation that "Aside from Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe is Stupidity"
Sad but true.

I like:
Common sense is not so common.

Also, if we removed the warning labels, would the world self-correct the stupid factor or are we adversely affecting the universal stupid balance?

Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection is alive and well.

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