Things you wish you could say

something i would like to tell the girl who went from saying i love you to i hate you

please will you come back to me i promise i will make things right i want you to know that without you life has no meaning and i don't think i can live without you
i have kind of just given up
Just a couple of notes from an old fart.
It has been found that our mental status in high school (cool kid, dork, etc.) follows us through our life. KNOW that it doesn't HAVE to. Those clowns don't make us who we are.
I know that it seems like you are at the pinnacle of your development right now. And you are. But you will also be there in 10, 20 years. Keep learning (read), become as self sufficient as you can, do something that someone compensates you for (work) keep improving yourself.
You have the most valuable commodity there is, time. (youth).
Take it from someone who just made 68 laps around the Sun.
uh yeah someone did make me unhappy to the point i cant find happiness
My point is that you are CHOOSING to remain unhappy, whether you agree or not, you make that choice. Its ok to feel sad during a break up or loss but at some point you must chose to go forward.
Making blanket statements like “everyone at xyz thinks this or that” and “giving up” does nothing for you but make others pity you more. Some people actually seek to remain in those kinds of interpersonal relationship because they get a response from others—even negative responses fills the persons need for attention.
Decide to be at peace with the fact that you can never be everything to all people, you will displease some, not everyone will like you—so why try to please them by being untrue to your real self?
No more self-pity talk. Brush it off and go about life, and to hell with what people think. It really is that simple.
Just a couple of notes from an old fart.
It has been found that our mental status in high school (cool kid, dork, etc.) follows us through our life. KNOW that it doesn't HAVE to. Those clowns don't make us who we are.
I know that it seems like you are at the pinnacle of your development right now. And you are. But you will also be there in 10, 20 years. Keep learning (read), become as self sufficient as you can, do something that someone compensates you for (work) keep improving yourself.
You have the most valuable commodity there is, time. (youth).
Take it from someone who just made 68 laps around the Sun.
My point is that you are CHOOSING to remain unhappy, whether you agree or not, you make that choice. Its ok to feel sad during a break up or loss but at some point you must chose to go forward.
Making blanket statements like “everyone at xyz thinks this or that” and “giving up” does nothing for you but make others pity you more. Some people actually seek to remain in those kinds of interpersonal relationship because they get a response from others—even negative responses fills the persons need for attention.
Decide to be at peace with the fact that you can never be everything to all people, you will displease some, not everyone will like you—so why try to please them by being untrue to your real self?
No more self-pity talk. Brush it off and go about life, and to hell with what people think. It really is that simple.
thanks guys
so the girl who went from I love you to I hate you we will call her May, so me and May were in the office the other day talking about our friendship, today I was in there for another reason but I told the principal something about how May had lied and the principal said that she had talked to her earlier and that May actually misses me so I asked May to meet me and we had a great conversation she said she's not actually mad at me and she misses me but she needs time to think, I said I would give her all the time she needs but she should understand that I have no one else, she said she understands and I am a great person.

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