Things you wish you could say

I want to buy the eggs!

I said I was done buying chickens... I said I had all the breeds I needed for my project.

I hinted and hinted and all you said was "they're ugly".

But, I want to buy the eggs! Waahh (crybaby noises)
If you don't want a rooster, you are absolutely not required to keep him.
Nobody will think less of you and most of us would encourage it.
There's no need to:
Separate him because figuring out hens.
Choke him with a collar because he's loud.
Live in fear or Arm yourself because he scares you, if he's a threat to your kids, put that devil in a taco.
If you don't want a rooster, you are absolutely not required to keep him.
Nobody will think less of you and most of us would encourage it.
There's no need to:
Separate him because figuring out hens.
Choke him with a collar because he's loud.
Live in fear or Arm yourself because he scares you, if he's a threat to your kids, put that devil in a taco.
I second this. All the pet stores are selling straight-run chicks right now and we're 100% METRO high-density here.

Here are my things I wish I could say:
No, it's not okay to buy the chicks, then release the roosters wherever you see other roosters.

AND. . .

Unwanted roosters are not just trash, they are LOUD trash.
I second this. All the pet stores are selling straight-run chicks right now and we're 100% METRO high-density here.

Here are my things I wish I could say:
No, it's not okay to buy the chicks, then release the roosters wherever you see other roosters.

AND. . .

Unwanted roosters are not just trash, they are LOUD trash.
It's infinitely more humane to cull a rooster than dump it
This is a thread to vent in. No names, no identifying information.

For example,
"If you don't want to be called lazy, try not being lazy."

Edit to add a couple more rules. Remember that we're in a public forum, so let's keep sensitive topics out of this thread. No politics, no religion, etc.
Put a sock in your mouth and go put yourself away so I can have some piece and quiet once in a blue moon!

That's just one of the many things I wish I could just yell out to some people around me.

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