Things you wish you could say

I love this thread!
I just went somewhere for ice cream, and this lady harassed me to the point where I didn’t get my ice cream. And her son was rude as well. She followed me and my younger sister around and kept asking us where we got ice cream, and when we went to get something, her son laughed, and said, I bet they don’t even have money. So disrespectful. The lady tried to see my pin, as well. Anyway, yeah. Thanks for reading my rant if you are this far, lol
Just ignore those sort of people they are not worthy of you energy. It’s too bad you didn’t get your treat how disappointing. - I am sorry for those peoples behaviour.
I love this thread!
I just went somewhere for ice cream, and this lady harassed me to the point where I didn’t get my ice cream. And her son was rude as well. She followed me and my younger sister around and kept asking us where we got ice cream, and when we went to get something, her son laughed, and said, I bet they don’t even have money. So disrespectful. The lady tried to see my pin, as well. Anyway, yeah. Thanks for reading my rant if you are this far, lol
To be honest, it sounds like she was trying to gauge if you had something worth stealing. Like maybe he was saying you probably didn't have money to bait you into saying something like, Yes I do! Especially if she was looking to see your pin. Did they work there?
To be honest, it sounds like she was trying to gauge if you had something worth stealing. Like maybe he was saying you probably didn't have money to bait you into saying something like, Yes I do! Especially if she was looking to see your pin. Did they work there?
Nope. I didn’t say anything, bc the cashier dude was irritated bc the guy in front of me was buying c!garettes with quarters… it was just creepy setting.
Man I did not expect to get this reaction… this is sorta common where I live.
Nope. I didn’t say anything, bc the cashier dude was irritated bc the guy in front of me was buying c!garettes with quarters… it was just creepy setting.
Man I did not expect to get this reaction… this is sorta common where I live.
You don't need to censor every single stinkin' word like cigarettes. We all know they exist.

Some people are the kind you should just stay away from.
You don't need to censor every single stinkin' word like cigarettes. We all know they exist.
I wasn’t sure what was allowed on BYC just trying to be respectful and not get in trouble or anything
Some people are the kind you should just stay away from.
Thanks… takes all kinds of kinds to make up this world, right?
You are an evil narcissist. Your intent is evident to me - I will not allow you to achieve your goal. I'm pissed. :mad:
Ooh, I like that! I can't say that because she's dead and I didn't think of it when she was alive. Thanks for this. It feels like ... validation. :hugs

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