Things you wish you could say

Who cares? None of this matters in the real world

If someone thinks it matters, then it matters to them (unless they change their mind.)

Whether it should matter to them or to anyone else is a different question. Unfortunately, sometimes feelings cause something to matter, even when it makes no logical sense. Other times, thinking about whether it should matter is enough to make it quit mattering.

I am no good at predicting which things will fall in which category for which person, not even for myself. For example, the grocery store can be out of 3 foods, and one really bothers me while the other two don't. Or people can make several different stupid comments, and one bothers me while the others don't. I can see no logical reason for it to be that way, but it definitely happens.
Could this guy actually like you? He seems very obsessed with what you wear. Why does he care so much?

I've just been setting here thinking someone was way to obsessed with what others may be thinking of them.
That is something you actually  should say out loud to the jerks that have been bothering you.
Seriously, I bet it would make you feel better, and very possibly leave the bullies stunned. Especially if you don't usually say much on the topic. There are three options, they either hurriedly put together a fast remark that they think is witty but really isn't, or they take time to think about an actual witty remark, or they are left stumbling for words and say something along the lines of "whatever". Either way, you win because you stood up for yourself and what you like.

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