Things you wish you could say

Seriously? You are in serious denial.

From this conversation:
Neighbour kid (young teen, actually): I feel sorry for my dog.
Me: Me too, but she's a known chicken killer, so she can't run loose.
Kid: She killed ONE chicken.
Me: Yes, and given the opportunity, she'll do it again.
Kid: No, she won't!

I so wanted to say, "Yeah, she killed MY chicken, and he was my pet!"
Seriously? You are in serious denial.

From this conversation:
Neighbour kid (young teen, actually): I feel sorry for my dog.
Me: Me too, but she's a known chicken killer, so she can't run loose.
Kid: She killed ONE chicken.
Me: Yes, and given the opportunity, she'll do it again.
Kid: No, she won't!

I so wanted to say, "Yeah, she killed MY chicken, and he was my pet!"
I don’t understand people like that. Even if the dog had never killed a single chicken or other animal in its life, I don’t get people who want to let them roam or whatever. Brew has gotten loose before and I get so scared every time and immediately try to find him as soon as I notice. Which is usually pretty fast since I’m paying attention to where he is. It doesn’t really happen anymore now that we have a fenced yard but it has still occasionally happened when the gate blows open in a storm or someone doesn’t latch it properly. But we found a way to fix it so it can’t blow open anymore. We also worked on training to stay in the yard. If I’m out there, he won’t go out the gate even if it’s open. Long story short, I would never just let him roam. Too many bad things could happen. He could get hit by a car, bit by something, lost, poisoned, shot, etc. not to mention him annoying people and dogs and jumping and trying to play. I would never want him to annoy anyone or scare anyone who’s afraid of dogs. So I keep him home.
I don’t understand people like that. Even if the dog had never killed a single chicken or other animal in its life, I don’t get people who want to let them roam or whatever. Brew has gotten loose before and I get so scared every time and immediately try to find him as soon as I notice. Which is usually pretty fast since I’m paying attention to where he is. It doesn’t really happen anymore now that we have a fenced yard but it has still occasionally happened when the gate blows open in a storm or someone doesn’t latch it properly. But we found a way to fix it so it can’t blow open anymore. We also worked on training to stay in the yard. If I’m out there, he won’t go out the gate even if it’s open. Long story short, I would never just let him roam. Too many bad things could happen. He could get hit by a car, bit by something, lost, poisoned, shot, etc. not to mention him annoying people and dogs and jumping and trying to play. I would never want him to annoy anyone or scare anyone who’s afraid of dogs. So I keep him home.
That's being a responsible dog owner. Up here, people seem to think it's perfectly okay to let their dogs roam loose or bark all. the. time.

One neighbour actually said to me, "I thought they were just out having fun. I had no idea they were being a nuisance."

I've managed to get one side of my greenhouse covered in hardware cloth so I can roll that side up, but I'm still working on the other side. Hardware cloth is expensive.
That's being a responsible dog owner. Up here, people seem to think it's perfectly okay to let their dogs roam loose or bark all. the. time.

One neighbour actually said to me, "I thought they were just out having fun. I had no idea they were being a nuisance."

I've managed to get one side of my greenhouse covered in hardware cloth so I can roll that side up, but I'm still working on the other side. Hardware cloth is expensive.
Thanks and oh wow that’s wild! I can’t believe people would say that. Well, actually I kind of can because it doesn’t surprise me unfortunately.

And yeah that stuff is wicked expensive and has probably gone up even more since I last used it.
Yeah, this is why I think several of the dog owners that lived in the apartment next door up and moved last month. I have begun bringing out my bow again and last spring I told them all to leash their dogs, because if they come onto my property, they will be killed. I have no tolerance for that crap, and I am not willing to wait until the nasty beasts actually harm one of my animals. With all of their dogs being a lot bigger this year and more eager to come this way, they knew why the bow came out, and they knew that I would use it.

The Golden Retriver across the street is safe from me for now. It only occasionally slips its leash and it does not seem to care about our animals at all. It just wants the peanuts we put out for the squirrels. That dog is a good boy and listens very well to commands. 👍🏻
I am sick of losing birds to dogs and now one sicko. The first dog attack, the owners took responsibility. I was reasonable, they were reasonable, and while they did have to pay me a lot of money in damages, we worked out a six month payment plan, and we're friends now. They keep their dogs in, and if they manage to get out, they send me a text so I know to watch for them.

The second dog attack only got my chicken, but I have not heard one word of empathy or condolences that their dog killed my pet. I have been working to secure my birds as well as I can, but it's hard to really proof something against an 80+ lb dog that is really determined. None of the wild animals around here are that big, and they're afraid of people, so are a lot less determined to get in.

When I can afford one, I'm getting a paintball rifle with pepper rounds.

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