Things you wish you could say

Pfft. Florida Man fears nothing. Except for hurricanes…
Texas Hurricane GIF
If you hate snow all year round, don't go up high. If you hate heat all year round, don't go down low. Varies from location but Southern California seems to have good weather. Here in El Paso it's getting hot, and we're having wind again. Not tornado level but definitely not fun.
The SF Bay Area has very mild weather. Not too hot in the summer, not too cold in the winter. The problem is, that wonderful climate makes everyone want to live there, which is why it is also known as SuperExpensiveLand.
The SF Bay Area has very mild weather. Not too hot in the summer, not too cold in the winter. The problem is, that wonderful climate makes everyone want to live there, which is why it is also known as SuperExpensiveLand.
Mark Twain “The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco”
Never warm there ☹️

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