Think I might go get some chickens today..

Well I didnt get any.
My cousin dipped out on me before the guy got home and Im too scared to go alone with a three year old and a 11 month old (what am I suppose to do with them?)

I saw an ad in the Market Bulletin for 10 week (I think) barred rocks for $7 each.
Then I saw another ad for Black Giants (wondering if its Jersey) for $7 each.

Since BRs arent broody I dont know if I want to go with them. How are RIR and Jersey Giants about being broody?

I got a call from my dad this morning and hes showing real interest in my chickens cause he offered to pay for however many chickens I want.
This is exciting for me cause that means that I dont only have to get 2!
I think I want about 3 or 4.
Should I get a few diff breeds to see which ones I like or do you think I wont really be able to tell when there is a bunch of diff breeds in there?
Should I go with ex. 2 BR and 2 JG or ex. 1 BR 1 JG 1 RIR
RIRs are not generally broody, at least the hatchery ones aren't. I think JGs have slight broody tendencies, but I dont have any. They are humongous birds, larger than even my tank of a blue Orp rooster. Buff Orpingtons can be broody; I have one who is and one who isn't. Delawares are broody, but good ones are hard to find.
How large is your coop? You are suppose to have approx. 4-5 sq feet per standard size and 3-4 sq. ft. per bantam? Is it completely secure--so nothing can get them?? Are you looking for adult stock or chicks?? Chicks will need extra care....

I suggest you also get hens and wait on the roo--until you want to raise chicks..

My big question is how can anyone have just two?? I started out wanting 6 for eggs, then decided I want a mix flock-for egg color, personality and color.. Then I decided I needed at least 3 of each color, then I decided I wanted a roo, then I had to make my coop larger--even before we started building it.. I am sure by next spring, I will be adding another coop or adding on to this one..Enjoy your dozen hens!! LOL
It sounded like a cute, little joke to me when I first read this type of post. It's not. Plan on more, especially if you're hatching eggs too. I thought I'd just get enough (all different breeds) to have some eating eggs, then I thought I'd like to concentrate my breeding program on 3 breeds, so I had to get more of those, then there's the babies yet to come. I just finished building coop 2 and I already know I'll need another.
Well if Im going t get a bjg roo i feel i must get him now as there isnt many around

IDK what to do.
Thats why Im asking yall!
I'm here to tell ya...when I first came to this place they told ME the same thing! Laughing at me, they did! I told them that we were starting out with 6-12 chickens. FOR REAL, that was IT...I was SURE. I did not find it funny but they did!
Well, now I see why...I have WAY more now and bantams to boot! I SWORE I would never EVER own bantams!

Good luck just getting two or even three!
gig.gif im planning on about 4 maaaaaybe 5.
this is what Im planning (please tell me if I need do diff)
1 or 2 BR hen
1 Cochin hen
1 BJG hen
1 BJG rooster

Im planning on eating my chickens too.
So if I cross a BJG roo with a BR hen will it make a nice sized bird that matures quickly?

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