Thinking back on a past attack

Crazy Duck Lover

Mar 21, 2021
Southern United States 🇺🇸
So I had a duck flock already established since 2016, and in 2018 I hatched out more ducklings. I believe it was like 10. Anyway, I ended up integrating, and moving them in with the rest of the flock at my pond, which was fenced off in chicken wire (that was a mistake! they took it down real quick) with a small hut they could go into but it didn’t have a door. Well one morning I walked out to check on the ducks, and I found a few feathers scattered, and heads of maybe 3-5 ducklings, but the older ducks were fine. The body’s were gone and it was only the heads left behind. Well I didn’t realize at the time, a predator just came, it’ll obviously want to come back. So I just left them be. Within the next few days all my younger ducks were gone (but keep in mind they were full grown) but my older ones were untouched. Anybody have any idea what might have attacked them?
Ducks next to a pond,in a hut without a door and no fenced in area. Could have been dozens of different preditors.
removed heads are classic owl, but they could not remove full grown duck bodies. Fox, coyote would take bodies. Could be multiple preds. Mink and weasel love hanging around ponds and water.
If you really want to know what is coming and going around your property when you are not looking, get a few trail cameras, place then at different areas around your duck house and pond and you will see.
I have 7 cameras out now and I know what I must protect my poultry from
Sorry about your ducks.
My suggestion would be to put a camera up because it will be back and then you will know for sure what is lurking and then you can form a plan. I have several cameras up around on my property and most nights I see a predator on at least one of the cameras. Good luck...
Ducks next to a pond,in a hut without a door and no fenced in area
I was young(er) and stupid, but since then I have greatly increased my security. They now have a predator proof nighttime pen, a fully enclosed daytime area and my pond is completely fenced off now so that when they’re eating off the bank and swimming, they can’t get out and nothing can get in.
removed heads are classic owl,
Ok, and yes we have a lot of owls here.
Fox, coyote would take bodies.
Most likely a coyote. No foxes here.
Mink and weasel love hanging around ponds and water.
No minks or weasels here.
get a few trail cameras
put a camera up
Yes I put up some cameras

Thank you both!
I worded that wrong. We have a few foxes but it’s honestly rare to see one. Same as weasels, but i’ve never seen one

I actually don’t have the ducks at the pond just yet. (they’re 16wks) I know they’re ready, but I have them in a 16’x12’ dog cage we built. So all i’ve seen from the pond cameras are our barn cats lol
I’m sure i’ll be seeing more wildlife once i move the ducks out
I was young(er) and stupid
Not So!
The truth is everybody here learns these lessons the hard way.
When I put up my trail cams at first, I was like a kid opening a christmas present. I would bring in the disks and see what was going on. Some of my cameras take video clips and have seen every wild critter around including trespassing humans...except the elusive cougar or mt. lion. There is one as he has been sighted and I have found his tracks in the sand.
I still am awaiting that picture. 7 cameras, he has to walk in front of one someday!
Enjoy your ducklings!

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