This is Foot Rot (goat), right?

I'll be waiting to see how things turn out. Are you going to be injecting them or just putting it on their hooves?
Tetracycline antibiotics should not be given to pregnant animals or young animals it effects bone and teeth growth and development and while a single dose probably wont hurt anything I still wouldnt chance it, especially if you are treating more than once earlier in pregnancy.
I have used BioMycin for years as needed and have NEVER had a problem with bones or teeth. Granted, I only run around 200 goats on my farm, but I figure 200 and my vets recommendations are a pretty good sampling of BioMycin/LA200's benefits. Years ago I asked my vet about all the scare mongering that goes on surrounding this drug, and she said, "Anything is possible, but what do you want an alive goat, or one that dies because you are afraid to use the right drug?" Since she is a goat specialists and other vets call her for consultations from across the US and Canada, I'm going to trust her judgment.
I ave not done my homework here.. so go ahead and kick me before I even speak.. but..

I thought kids were not born with CAE, I thought it was transferred via mothers nursing-milk.. which is why you remove the kid immediatly and feed from a clean mother.


(girls (6) received their shots this am... so far.. all are fine)
CAE is a virus that has been shown to have VERY LOW lateral transmission. That means goat to goat. It is HIGHLY unlikely that he will spread it to any does he breeds, and even MORE unlikely that he will EVER produce CAE + kids, symptoms or not. Unlike CL, which passes from goat to goat quite quickly.

Here's what merk has to say about cl. Exactly what I said.,lymphadenitis

MOST goat abortions (not caused by direct trauma-the #1 cause of abortions in goats) are caused by different bacterial infections. Call your OWN vet, I'm sure they will reaffirm this statement.

Brucellosis is a bacterial infection. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection. Listeriosis is a bacterial infection. These are all COMMON CAUSES of mass abortions in herds (your "abortion storm"). What the heck did you think the antibiotic was for??

As for the Bo-Se, it's on the label. Do you want to call the vet that prescribed it for me and make sure it's not a mis-print?
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That is the most common situation. CAE has been shown to have no ability to pass through the placenta, though it is *thought* that it *may* have the ability to be transfered if the kid swallows some fluid.

There is still a lot that no one knows about CAE. It's a work in progress, which is why there are so many different opinions about what you should or shouldn't do. Or whether a positive test *really* means you're positive...
Sounds like a good plan to me.

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Thanks! ~Lisa~​
When a goat has foot rot would it be good to spray the rubber barn floor with 1/2 water:clorox to decontaminate the floor so it doesn't spread?

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