This may be a really dumb question But......


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 12, 2010
I have only been around chickens for the past 6 years. My husband had them when I met him. He told me they were "Bantam" Chickens.......My question is.....Is Bantam a breed? or is it a size??? If that is a size terminology then I have no idea what the breed of my chickens are.
Sounds ignorant I know but after going through the breed chart I am now confused. I have joined this site/forum to learn as much as I can. I am not one for getting and reading books. I will however read stuff off the computer......any answers or help would be greatly appreciated. I have lot's of questions but feel kind of stupid posting them. I notice that all members here seem to have a lot of knowledge......Please bare with me I have lot's to learn. I adore my chickens and want to learn everything I can about them and their care etc.
Thank you so much.
Chickens come in bantams and large fowl. Bantams are the small versions. Kind of like ponies and horses. Some breeds have small and large versions, and some only come in one size.
Bantam is just a size not a breed. It gets confusing when feed stores sell straight run bantams with out listing breeds. If you post pictures of your bantams we might be able to help figure out breed.
Thank you everyone I have been so busy...what I am going to do is just make a few sort posts so I can put up photo's and you all can help me out.....Oh and TYVM for the information.

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