This recipe is for the birds.....


12 Years
May 7, 2007
West MI.
Woodpeckers and nuthatches love it

Homemade suet

I make in the winter and the birds love it.
I do it on the stovetop but you could do it in the melting in the microwave. Then just mix it with the rest of the ingredients in a bigger bowl.

Melt a small jar peanut butter (creamy or nutty)
Add 3 cups of lard (melt together)
mix in
2 cups cornmeal
2 cups of oatmeal (quick oats or old fashioned)
3 cups of seeds (I use 2 cups black oil sunflower and one cup regular bulk birdseed)
Mix all together well

Put in a washed OJ or milk container; freeze; then slice off chunks to fit your feeder.

You can vary the ingredients to whatever you have. Just try to make a equal wet and dry consistency. It should be pretty thick and clumpy before freezing. I've heard of people using flour instead of cornmeal, but I think cornmeal is better for the birdies. Some people save up their bacon grease (freeze it) and when they get enough use that instead of lard. I like lard because it is cheap and can be kept in the pantry.
You can keep bacon grease in the pantry too. I'm from Arkansas and I don't ever recall not having ajar of bacon grease over the stove to fry in. YUMMY! I used it for my suet last uear adn the birds loved it to:)

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