Those Daffy D'uccles!


8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
Nolanville TX
I am very fond of this breed. I got an instant flock from some one on craigslist.

these two are 'Goofball and Teapot', very very friendly roos who are always getting into our stuff, often seen peering in the back door windows looking for treats. I left my car open one day and came out to see this

I have one little one-now about 5 months old. He's a roo named 'Tuffy'. He was hand raised by me (pipped but didn't zip) and thinks I am his mother (hes sitting behind me right now on my chair back). He is highly socialised, rides in the car on the dash and loves icecream and well..just about anything I am eating. Here he is drinking my tea.

we went to McDonalds the other day and ate outside. the kids shared their ice cream and food with Tuffy and his little sister 'Itty Bitty'. (the chickens didnt like the fries!) The kids thought it would be funny to put their empty ice cream cups in my hoodie so the chicks climed up me to slurp up the remainders. The wet stick beak chicks shook it off into my hair.

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