Three Day Weekend! What are your plans?

ChickBond 007

Licensed to Cull
11 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Madison County, Iowa
We've got some tree planting planned, a bit of coop work to do, some lounging on the deck planned, and I'm defrosting some meat for the smoker (tomorrow's meal) and some for the grill. A BYC friend is bringing out some ducks to join my flock.
The deck chair and some fresh-air and sun will do me good.

What are you going to do with 3 whole glorious days????
today is my 12 year olds birthday, so we are having a cookout. Tonight there are fireworks and Monday is Old Home Day and the Spencer Fair. Tomorrow not sure, probably work around the yard.
This time of year on the farm there is no such thing as a holiday.....too much fall work to be done.....corn harvest starting, soybean harvest almost to start, getting fields ready to plant wheat, get the cow lot ready to bring the cows home from the pastures.....
Well, I was going to work out in the Alpaca pasture and scoop poop and do some odd and end jobs in the yard, but its pouring down rain. We really needed it, but wish it would just rain at night and be nice all day. Guess I will bake cinnamon rolls and stuff and eat and loaf. I could clean in the attic though, come to think of it and get stuff ready for a late fall yard sale my g.f. is talking about having . . .there is always something to do!!!!!
Yay! I remember the pics and video, are you going to do another now that it's a home instead of a house? That was you wasn't it?

We are going to be laboring for Labor Day- electric fencing if it doesn't rain, but today a little baking for DH's birthday. Just the 2 of us, since no one we know will drive this far to see us.

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