Three Drakes Living Together?


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
I bought two 'female' Pekin ducks for my Campbell drake months ago. Couple weeks ago I noticed one had acquired a curled tail feather. Was worried the two drakes and female wouldn't get along. Now the other pekin has a curled tail feather.

So if it's just three male ducks living together, they should get along right? When my campbell matured, he became a devil and attacks people but is nice to his friends. They have their own coop(actually they share it with a chicken who was raised with my Campbell and I've had no issues so far...) but it's next to my main chicken area.
I've had people buy only drake pekins from me because they make much less noise and don't attract vermin or snakes with eggs. They all seem to be happy together according to the people who buy them. (Most people keep in contact with me after buying ducklings because they're proud of their babies' progress)

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