Time to make it BYC official- we're moving!


Completly Hopeless
14 Years
Dec 6, 2009
Southwestern Washington State
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's back to Washington we go...

My family and I have been living in NW Missouri for about seven years now, and we've decided to hightail it back to our original home of western Washington State. It'll take some doing, considering that in the time we've lived here we've gained a large flock of sheep, several cows, the chickens, a large dog... Oh yeah, and two more people! My stepdad starts his new job January 2nd, but the rest of us will not be following him out there until we sell the extra everything and the house. We'll probably head out there around April.

We've been in the process of purging, purging, and purging some more. Moving back is going to cost somewhere between the California state lottery winnings and a king's ransom, so if we can avoid bringing something, we will.

So for those of you who pray, we could use some prayers that we can find a buyer for our house, a place for him to stay while waiting for us, and a rental that will fit 9 people!
(If they would let us keep 5 sheep and a Great Pyrenees, too, that would be great, but we're not counting on that.)
 Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's back to Washington we go... ;)

 My family and I have been living in NW Missouri for about seven years now, and we've decided to hightail it back to our original home of western Washington State. It'll take some doing, considering that in the time we've lived here we've gained a large flock of sheep, several cows, the chickens, a large dog... Oh yeah, and two more people! My stepdad starts his new job January 2nd, but the rest of us will not be following him out there until we sell the extra everything and the house. We'll probably head out there around April.

 We've been in the process of purging, purging, and purging some more. Moving back is going to cost somewhere between the California state lottery winnings and a king's ransom, so if we can avoid bringing something, we will.

 So for those of you who pray, we could use some prayers that we can find a buyer for our house, a place for him to stay while waiting for us, and a rental that will fit 9 people! :fl (If they would let us keep 5 sheep and a Great Pyrenees, too, that would be great, but we're not counting on that.)

Are you moving your chickens with you? I'm looking at a cross-country move and seriously considering taking them with us.
Hubby is moving to Wisconsin at the end of the month. he is signing the lease for an apartment this week to live in until I move over there also. Hoping that our house sells and we find a place to buy at the same time. I am staying in our current home with the 2 cats and 1 dog until we sell the house in spring. If the timing is wrong I may be living in our camper in the woods with the dog and cats - now doesn't that sound fun!

I hope everything works out for you and your family. Yours is a bigger move and going to be a lot harder. Good luck to you!

We could be passing each other on the highway at some point.
I lived in a total of 9 different homes in 4 states and a foreign country growing up, so I can sympathize with the disruption a move causes! (Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I've lived in this house since shortly after my son was born - getting on for 18 years).

Will be thinking and praying about y'all.

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