Tiny black jumping bugs


May 31, 2021
Hello all,
I handed down the gallon sized waterer from our dogs to the chickens when we got a bigger waterer. The type where you fill the gallon, screw on the top, and set it in the base so it refills the bottom as they drink. The girls came a-wadling over, and immediately I notice these tiny, black, jumping bugs on the surface of the water. The size of the sharp end of a pin. I cannot tell if they have 6 or 8 legs. They clumped together til i got close with my camera, then they scatter-jumped across the top of the water. Never noticed them on the birds, and couldn't see any on them while they drank, but they were just multiplying before my eyes. Quite literally. Like I would take a pic, zoom in to look better, and there were twice as many as before. If someone could identify these I would be so greatful, we have dogs and kids and would love to minimize the issue. I plan to clean out the cool tomorrow and coat the dirt floor with diatomaceous earth. I only put a small amount of wood shavings in their nesting boxes, no bedding on the coop floor. They free range during the day and I lock them in at night. Thank you so much in advance. I read through other threads here but non showed pics that I thought were the same.


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Get one on a piece of clear tape then use a magnifying glass or better yet a microscope to get a good pic.
Could be anything this time of year(assuming you are in the Northern Hemisphere,
and not necessarily anything that will harm your chickens..
Get one on a piece of clear tape then use a magnifying glass or better yet a microscope to get a good pic.
Could be anything this time of year(assuming you are in the Northern Hemisphere,
and not necessarily anything that will harm your chickens..
I will try that. We're in south-central Alaska. Thanks for the input!

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