Tiny Chick


Crossing the Road
Apr 12, 2021
Sacramento Area, California
Hi there!

This is my first time raising chickens, so I have no frame of reference on what to look for as signs of the chick not thriving or if I should just leave him be. I got 5 chicks from a farm near here that raises Lavender Orpingtons and she had three available so I said I would take all three. Well one was from a different hatch and he was only like 1-2 days old, while the other 2 were 2 weeks old when I brought them home. It has been 3 days and the older chicks are super content, busy, and growing feathers. Tiny Tim (that's what I named him--and he may be a her it's too soon to tell haha) is growing some very tiny early growing feathers, but he's super tiny and spends all his time near the heat lamp. When he does get up, he's a bit erratic but has shown signs of advanced strength in the last day or so. He also has pasty butt and I have been using all the advice from this site on how to gently clean it and care for it, and I have added electrolytes to the water to help with nutrients and fed him some egg for protein. I have observed him get up and go to the waterer himself, but not eat. The other chicks don't pick on him and when he thinks he needs to be involved in something, he will get up and run somewhat awkwardly over and get right in the middle of the excitement, but then he has to rest for awhile. Is this normal super young chick behavior? I have nothing to compare it to, other than the 2.5 week old chicks and they are light years ahead. He will also cheep a lot and then fall asleep. I don't want to over parent him, but I also don't want to neglect him if there is more I can do...should I worry and is there more that I can do? Pictures to show his size and appearance. TIA!!


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It happens. Sounds like a failure to thrive chick, so not your fault or anything.
Thank you for the kind words. I am terribly sad, but I know you’re right. :-( I was just falling for his grit and attempt to be part of the flock even though he was so little. One of the older Orps was sleeping with him and resting her head on him earlier in the night when he seemed rather listless. Such sweet little birds ❤️

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