Tips and Tricks on How to Roleplay (RP) Well!

Blue Raptor

As Astera Per Aspera
Feb 20, 2021
Deutschland 🇩🇪
My Coop
My Coop

How to roleplay well!​

1.) Pick a universe you think you’d enjoy. Try to avoid joining a universe you’ve don’t think you’d like, or else you’ll probably end up just not roleplaying very well, or ducking out and leaving a plot hole where your character has interacted. If the RP is fanfic (fan-fiction) do some general research on the storyline before joining. You’ll need to know all the details! If you’re joining an RP with its own made-up universe, make sure you understand the plotline well, or things will get confusing fast. Feel free to ask the RP owner any questions about the universe and how it operates because they’ll have the best understanding of how their universe operates.

2.) Make a character form, archives, and pm. A character form is good for people who have never RPed before or don’t know all the options for their characters. For instance:
(What they are. This is optional, for an animal RP or one with different tribes or groups or alligances):
Backstory (it’s good to make this optional):
You can make an article for the character archives. It’s important to make the character archives first so that you can put the link in the first post of the RP. A good example layout is to have a basic story recap on the first page (for new people. Be sure to update!), and then add a page for each member that joins, adding their characters that they make to their page. A good character minimum is 5, or else people can get too overwhelmed or behind on story progression.
A pm can be important so that your RP doesn’t get cluttered with non-canon chatter. It’s also a good place to ask for quick character permissions; “May I capture your character?”

3.) Be a responsible owner. If you own an RP, don't go mad with power. If you want to assign moderators, don't let them try to control anyone, and make sure that they have a good knowledge of the universe. Don’t try to control other people’s characters, but make sure to warn them if they begin powerplaying. It’s important for you and the rest of the RPers to have updated archives, so make sure you or an RP mod keep the archives updated with character forms and story progression. Make sure the first post on your RP has all the details of the fanfic you have planned, or the whole backstory for your made-up universe.

4.) Be the nice guy/girl. Accept constructive criticism, be nice, don't take things said in roleplay personally. Make friends, chat up, etc. Be easy to get along with, and great
roleplaying opportunities shall come your way.

5.) Be flexible. Obviously, the story isn’t going to go exactly your way, only your characters are going to be able to do what you want, unless you communicate your plans. The story can go absolutely anywhere with so many different people brainstorming which direction they want the plot to go, but once you communicate between characters and with other RPers, the storyline will begin to develop. You also have to be willing to let some of your character die, be taken hostage, or just let someone else’s plan work out rather than your own.

6.) Don't plan too far ahead. With so many different minds working towards separate goals for the story, you can’t expect it to always go your way. Plan at least two steps ahead, and even then those are just optional. You have to be willing to let the story play itself out and see where it goes. Sometimes your character will only need to play along, and sometimes you’ll be the one leading it forward- or in a different direction.

7.) Avoid powerplaying. Many RPers very much dislike powerplayers. A powerplayer is basically creating a character that can't ever be defeated, and is more powerful than anything in the universe. They usually never allow their characters to get hit or hurt, and can basically go anywhere and do anything. Powerplaying can also be controlling another player's character, which is NOT allowed without their direct permission. Remember, if your character gets killed off in a storyline, it’s okay! Make a new character or just stick with the other ones you have.

8.) Avoid appearing power hungry. It's not fun if you get people to join only to declare supreme power over them, because that'll make you look like a control freak and it'll cause people to leave. Let the members of the group be independent, and if they don't want to participate sometimes then let them be. Talk to them if they turn down opportunities consistently, avoiding the main plot. Even then, it’s okay to have a side character! Some people like roleplaying like that.

9.) Create good characters. Try to come up with a decent character form before you post it. You don’t want your character’s personality to flip-flop or their backstory to be full of unexplained holes. Try to give lots of details on their looks, and have a solid backstory. Something else that’s important is to give your character flaws. We all have flaws. It’s what makes us unique. And they’re not all physical. Flaws can develop your character in interesting different ways, and sometimes it takes another character to bring that flaw out. Remember, if someone’s character has a flaw, sometimes they don’t want it fixed cause it makes their character who they are. Don’t alway try to fix another character’s disabilities.

10.) Maps and art. Maps are really important so that the characters can alway know where they are. If your universe is made-up, try to have a map drawn before starting the RP. Then be sure to post it on the first page, or in the archives so that it can be referenced.
Do not post other people’s art without their permission. Drawing fanart is a good way to show other people what the universe and your characters look like visually, but always make sure you give proper credit, and don’t post copyrighted pictures without permission.

11.) The rules. Post those first, and make sure everyone, including the owner of the roleplay, adhere to BYC’s roleplaying rules, or else a BYC mod will have to step in. You should post the BYC rules on the first page so that the RPers know how BYC wants them to conduct themselves:
Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.
All of this goes towards making the RPs family-friendly, welcoming, fun to read, and fun to play in. :)
This is good advice! Personally, I joined byc for the rping, and look how far I’ve come after five years. I still love a good rp even though I’m often too busy or am not interested in the ones that come up (I personally want a deep, advanced rp with a conflict already introduced in the first post which helps give it structure and something to motivate my characters about, and I like playing certain animals more than others.)
I made some great roleplays, and participated in some great ones too!
I expected to make many great friends in byc but I never expected to meet them in real life.
I expected to learn, but I never expected to find myself educating others on genetics. And I expected to like Ameraucanas, and it turns out d’Anvers are my thing.
And I loved to draw. I never thought I would learn so much here!
This is good advice! Personally, I joined byc for the rping, and look how far I’ve come after five years. I still love a good rp even though I’m often too busy or am not interested in the ones that come up (I personally want a deep, advanced rp with a conflict already introduced in the first post which helps give it structure and something to motivate my characters about, and I like playing certain animals more than others.)
I made some great roleplays, and participated in some great ones too!
I expected to make many great friends in byc but I never expected to meet them in real life.
I expected to learn, but I never expected to find myself educating others on genetics. And I expected to like Ameraucanas, and it turns out d’Anvers are my thing.
And I loved to draw. I never thought I would learn so much here!

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