Tips for mealworm farming?


8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
I just ordered 250 mealworms in hopes of staring my own mealworm farm. I will have wheat bran, carrots, potatoes and apples for food.

I've never done this before and my husband is not very happy with me about having worms in the house.

I'm hoping to create a ton of worms for my flock! I saw a couple YouTube videos and it looks a little confusing of when to transfer the worms to each container. I'm assuming I need 3 totes right?

Thanks! I appreciate any tips you have.
I just read that the beetles will eat the baby worms.

I have several bins I can use. I have wheat bran, layer feed, oats and apples. I'm all set to go! I hope my worms come today, so I can get this started. :)
I'm in the process of doing the same thing; I got my initial amount of mealworms in May, and now I have three bins, one with I don't know how many nice fat mealworms in it... I need to set up a bin to put some in to pupate, and start the cycle over again. And yeah, my DH is really not too happy about me raising bugs, lol!!

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