Tired of This


No matter what we do, something kills our chickens. I really am starting to think about surrendering and just stopping raising chickens. I just can't take the heart break.
What is killing your chickens?
I've just looked at your coop and run picture, no way is that secure.
What isn’t secure?
I can't reply at length now, but what I believe you call hardware cloth ends at the ground.
A weasel, mink stoat, fox and jut about any other ground predator can dig under.
If I wanted to build a secure run I would dig a trench at least 6 inch deep around the outside of the vertical fence. Bend a piece of hardware cloth at 90 degrees, say one foot in each direction and lay it in the trench. Attach the vertical section to the existing fence and cover the section in the trench with earth.
With all those bits of wood etc you cant see any breaches in the fence so I would get rid of all of those. Best part of security is being able to see any holes or burrowing.
Not to mention that the chicken wire can be very easily pulled apart, chewed through, ripped off boards by predators. All those overhanging trees and branches make it super easy for a predator to climb on top of the run. I would cut all the trees back by 10 feet and install 3 or 4 wires of electric fencing near the ground.
Iv'e read your previous posts you said you'd had pitbull attacks, that is an easy fix with removing the dogs. The best way to keep chickens in the southeast is to fence your yard and provide brush cover. The coop and run approach seem watertight in theory here but unless you've built fort knox it just makes it easier for something to get them all since they have no escape. The coop has to be fort knox to keep out night time predators no wiggle room at all there. If you are too nervous to let them range in a large fence hot wire and some extreme tree trimming are needed. :)

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