To assist or not to assist!? Help!


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I have one chick that is peeping and wiggling but not coming out, hes been pipped for about 36 hours. I opened him a little lid and he stuck his toes through but hes not coming out. I opened his lid a little more and ran into red-ish slightly clear stuff, not quite blood but i wasn't sure so i stopped. Hes still in there wiggling a bit, then resting and cheeping. I had to take the other chicks out as they were pecking him and made his exposed leg bleed.

I wrapped a wet paper towel around his shell partially covering his lid hole and put him back in the inc. Still no change in his position, his foot is by his head. The membrane that separates the chick from the air cell is dry, do you think that is keeping him from hatching!? Should I asist? (These were shipped eggs and I've already lost 75% of them to the PO's pour handling.)

This chick did NOT pip into the aircell and I had to open it for him yesterday so he didn't drown in his own blood since he pipped into the middle of the egg, so his head it still below the aircel.
Since you made the internal pip for it, the absorbing process is going to be longer than it normally would. if it pipped into the air cell on it's own it would sit there for an additional 12-24hrs you coudn't even know about, breathing and absorbing.

I would leave it in the egg to finish absorbing for as long as humanly possible, especially if you are seeing red? can you post a photo?

you can keep the membrane moist with neosporin/antibiotic ointment, that gives the chick more time to safely sit in the egg.

my rule of thumb is:
12hrs from internal pip to external pip - 24hrs is emergency time/intervention
12hrs from external pip to zip start - 24hrs is emergency/intervention time
if zips partway and stops, seeming stuck - wait 12hrs before helping

I do think you will need to help it, especially since it is so malpositioned, but the timing has to be right.. be careful of the red/veins/blood.
Since you made the internal pip for it, the absorbing process is going to be longer than it normally would. if it pipped into the air cell on it's own it would sit there for an additional 12-24hrs you couldn't even know about, breathing and absorbing.

I would leave it in the egg to finish absorbing for as long as humanly possible, especially if you are seeing red? can you post a photo?

you can keep the membrane moist with neosporin/antibiotic ointment, that gives the chick more time to safely sit in the egg.

my rule of thumb is:
12hrs from internal pip to external pip - 24hrs is emergency time/intervention
12hrs from external pip to zip start - 24hrs is emergency/intervention time
if zips partway and stops, seeming stuck - wait 12hrs before helping

I do think you will need to help it, especially since it is so malpositioned, but the timing has to be right.. be careful of the red/veins/blood.
I can't see any veins. I looked at him again and his lid cracked a little more (i have very shakey hands) and I did see blood that time, and a bunch of the goo came out so I quick wrapped the wet towel around it and put him back. I thought he was going to die for sure but he's still breathing in there. Humidity reads 75% but I have no idea as I know the gauge is off but idk by how much.

I don't want to try and take a picture as now I'm really scared if I pick him up again that he will bleed out since I obviously cracked something important last time and he may just be barely hanging on.

Where should i put the ointment? I can try to dab it on with a Q-tip.

Also, I pipped him because he pipped into himself and not the aircell like he was suppose to.

Do you have any photos of how the chick should look in the shell?
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oh my goodness if goo is coming out that is not a good sign... possibly too early for this chick. edit: or too high humidity for days 1-18 of incubation.

it may not need you to moisten it, sounds like it is already moist, so forget the ointment. if that goo dries out, it will turn into glue, so it is good that the humidity is 75% and try to resist opening it anymore and let it absorb
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oh my goodness if goo is coming out that is not a good sign... possibly too early for this chick. edit: or too high humidity for days 1-18 of incubation.

it may not need you to moisten it, sounds like it is already moist, so forget the ointment. if that goo dries out, it will turn into glue, so it is good that the humidity is 75% and try to resist opening it anymore and let it absorb
I have had a terrible time with humidity! the weather has been up and down. I wrapped it in wet paper towel right away when i saw it come out and positioned it on the bottom so it would drain out the back and not onto the chick, I noticed the other chicks also hatched with some goo in them. I need to find a better humidity guage as I'm doing this blind with a gauge off. And the bator goes way up then way down even without opening it.

I have another two chicks in there, should I take him out? They hatched this morning. Only one more egg is externaly pipped and waiting, the other two look like quitters but i'll lt them set anyway, one looks internally pipped. they are all shipped eggs.
I do dry incubation, so I don't add any water until day 19, makes it simple for humidity tracking/gauging

I would not open the incubator any more, leave the hatched chicks in there they won't hurt anything :)
I do dry incubation, so I don't add any water until day 19, makes it simple for humidity tracking/gauging

I would not open the incubator any more, leave the hatched chicks in there they won't hurt anything :)
Yeah I do dry inc too but the humidity has been such up and down lately I can't even regulate it in my house! for 5 days it was 80 some % and I couldn't get it below 65% in the bator. Now its low 40% humidity outside and it sparks up and down. it shot up to 80% on my faulty gauge and theres is now condensation on the glass. :/ Idk what to think of that, I suppose it won't hurt long as I don't open it.

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