To be so blessed to go this way


11 Years
May 8, 2008
My Uncle Jim passed last Friday in Le Claire, IA

My aunt said that they had gone to his doctors earlier in the day for a stress test and ekg. All were fine.
They got home and played Yatze or something for a bit in the kitchen, then my aunt took her coffee to the living room. He told her he was going finish his coffee and be right in. She said he came into the room and that he looked "different" He held out his hand to her and asked her to hold his hand. He sat down next to her and was gone. Just like that.

She said she knew the moment she took his hand what was happening. So she reached for the phone and called 911. The door to the house was locked and the EMTs needed her to open the door and she told them to break it down, that she wasnt going to let go of his hand. The got in and tried reviving him, but it was too late. I guess she managed to call my cousin and he came over to bring the car to "where ever" it is they go whne someone has already passed(?)

He was 71. Last time I saw both of them was at my dads funeral in 94. I remember freaking out when he walked in because he had the same bearing that my dad had. Both Navy men

My aunt met him when she was 16 and he was 18. They got married when she was 18 and him 20. Seems to be a common theme in my family.
Although I dont know what happened with my dad and mom
Awww...That's so sweet and sad all at the same time. My husband has this fear that he's going to die when he's out in the hay field by himself and no one will know where he is or that something has happened to him. It tears me up to think that he feels like he's going to die alone. I just want to keep him home all of the time. Thank you for you touching story
Thanks for this it warms the heart to hear about true love such as this, as much as DH and I go round about things, I still love him with all my being.
Hope your aunt is doing okay.
to you

bheila, like you I wish my hubby was with me everyday. I'm trying to convince him to work out of the garage working on big trucks. Right now he drives one and he's gone from 430am-8pm. It's hard.
wow!..that was so touching!...and so sad....
sad.png thoughts are with you and your family.

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