To remove solitary chick from mama hen?

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
How traumatic is for a mama hen to remove her only baby? This is my first time with a broody hen/hatching eggs, and mama hen’s first go round, too. She’s a 9 month old Wyandotte.

Mama has a 1 week old chick. This morning I found the chick under mom tangled in her feathers. I think baby chick poop had gotten in mom’s wings and sealed some feathers together. By the time I got baby out, she was limp and gasping for air. I brought her indoors to warm up. Mama didn’t know since the chick wasn’t peeping. But now chick is up and active. Should I return it?

I have 4 other younger chicks that hatched later and mama rejected (she’d let the chicks under her but pecked them violently when they came out). We lost one and one is injured but okay. Mama’s chick has peck marks on her neck. This could be from other chickens (they all got a little feisty with one another when locked in the coop during extreme cold — I separated mom and baby but now they’re back with the flock). But I also worry it might be from mama (her pecked feathers are in the exact same spot my other chick was injured).

Here’s the other reason I’m contemplating keeping this chick with the others. I don’t know what mamas behavior is supposed to be like, but to me she is still acting broody. In the week since she’s had this chick, she’s left the coop only once. She mostly lays down on the chick, and is doing the once a day activity of go get food, water, have giant stinky poop, and then lay back down with chick. When I offer the chick water, she drinks greedily, and that concerns me. I know she’s eating because I have food right in the “nest” with mama, but I can’t keep the water that close.

I’m afraid the tangled feathers might be because mama isn’t taking the chick out and it is probably pooping underneath her. Is this normal?

I’m heading out to the coop now to see what mama is up to. Chick (Noel) seems perfectly at home in the brooder with the others. As soon as the cold snap passes, we’ll move the brooder outside so mama and baby will be able to see each other again in a few days if I keep her in.

Update: Chick has been indoors for about 35-45 minutes and just started calling for mom (it’s under the brooder and with the other chicks). Mom was happily out with the rest of the flock acting like a normal chicken for the first time in 4 weeks! But she did follow me in the coop and look for her chick a little, and she’s still making those adorable (now sort of heartbreaking) sounds when she eats to call the chick over). She did return to ranging with the flock and seems content. And now she’s blissfully dust bathing.


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Should I return it?
No. Put her with her hatch mates.
I have 4 other younger chicks that hatched later and mama rejected
This is why.

Never let this pullet hatch again. She's not a good mother.

Some pullets/hens are so obsessed with the setting part, they freak out when what they are sitting on tries to leave. I had a hen like this and I took her chicks from her. She was abusing them but never injured them. Didn't matter. I recognized aberrant behavior and her maternal rights were stripped and I put her in a broody breaker and a rock solid broody hen ended up adopting and raising her chicks.
No. Put her with her hatch mates.

This is why.

Never let this pullet hatch again. She's not a good mother.

Some pullets/hens are so obsessed with the setting part, they freak out when what they are sitting on tries to leave. I had a hen like this and I took her chicks from her. She was abusing them but never injured them. Didn't matter. I recognized aberrant behavior and her maternal rights were stripped and I put her in a broody breaker and a rock solid broody hen ended up adopting and raising her chicks.
Thank you for your reply. This is very helpful. I was leaning in the direction of keeping the chick inside, but I have a cleaner conscience having a 2nd opinion. What you’re describing also explains the issue with the incubator chicks I gave her, and why it seems as though she had accepted them, only to then later peck at them. Happy holidays!
The hen will quickly get over it as long as you keep the chick separated for a few days. Don't worry about that part of it. But it is better to make a clean break than try to drag it out.

I'd keep that chick with the others but for an additional reason. Assuming everything went OK with that hen and her one chick, at some point she will wean that chick and leave it alone to make its own way with the rest of the flock. That's hard on a single chick. They are flock animals and like to have buddies. When you go to integrate them that chick will be much better off if you integrate all of them as a group.
How traumatic is for a mama hen to remove her only baby? This is my first time with a broody hen/hatching eggs, and mama hen’s first go round, too. She’s a 9 month old Wyandotte.

Mama has a 1 week old chick. This morning I found the chick under mom tangled in her feathers. I think baby chick poop had gotten in mom’s wings and sealed some feathers together. By the time I got baby out, she was limp and gasping for air. I brought her indoors to warm up. Mama didn’t know since the chick wasn’t peeping. But now chick is up and active. Should I return it?

I have 4 other younger chicks that hatched later and mama rejected (she’d let the chicks under her but pecked them violently when they came out). We lost one and one is injured but okay. Mama’s chick has peck marks on her neck. This could be from other chickens (they all got a little feisty with one another when locked in the coop during extreme cold — I separated mom and baby but now they’re back with the flock). But I also worry it might be from mama (her pecked feathers are in the exact same spot my other chick was injured).

Here’s the other reason I’m contemplating keeping this chick with the others. I don’t know what mamas behavior is supposed to be like, but to me she is still acting broody. In the week since she’s had this chick, she’s left the coop only once. She mostly lays down on the chick, and is doing the once a day activity of go get food, water, have giant stinky poop, and then lay back down with chick. When I offer the chick water, she drinks greedily, and that concerns me. I know she’s eating because I have food right in the “nest” with mama, but I can’t keep the water that close.

I’m afraid the tangled feathers might be because mama isn’t taking the chick out and it is probably pooping underneath her. Is this normal?

I’m heading out to the coop now to see what mama is up to. Chick (Noel) seems perfectly at home in the brooder with the others. As soon as the cold snap passes, we’ll move the brooder outside so mama and baby will be able to see each other again in a few days if I keep her in.

Update: Chick has been indoors for about 35-45 minutes and just started calling for mom (it’s under the brooder and with the other chicks). Mom was happily out with the rest of the flock acting like a normal chicken for the first time in 4 weeks! But she did follow me in the coop and look for her chick a little, and she’s still making those adorable (now sort of heartbreaking) sounds when she eats to call the chick over). She did return to ranging with the flock and seems content. And now she’s blissfully dust bathing.
I agree with others, take the chick from mom and put it with the others. I had a momma hen that left her baby at 2.5 weeks old; he was a solitary hatch b/c 3 others we quitters. She would attend to him when it was convenient for her. Otherwise she would be off with the flock. If the baby tried to get to her the others hens would peck at the poor little guy. I saw one actually pick him up and toss him. That is when I intervened and gave him to a friend who wanted a rooster for her flock. He was pretty beat up when he left, but is now a beautiful rooster. I will never allow that girl to go broody again.
Noel is now living inside with the other chicks. Her and the mama adjusted quickly (baby faster than mama). And I’m super stoked because now I have 1 more chick to take Chickmas pictures of! This is Noel (buff chick) and Coal eagerly listening to the Night Before Chickmas. 😂
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