Today's temperature = # of eggs.

Here in Puget Sound, it is currently 41*F, I have collected 1/5, but it is early yet from our 1 Sexlink, 1 Buff Orpington and 3 RIR's. Yesterday it was in the low 30'sF and I collected 3/5. However, the temp has been in the low 30's/high 20's and have only gotten 1-2 eggs out of possible 5. We were close to running out completely. I have also been choosy about when I let them out. I keep them inside when the temp it too low or it is raining too much so they don't get over exposed.
It's around -20C outside right now and last night it went down to -30C!!!! So far today I have gotten 2 eggs. One from my Silver Laced Wyandotte and one from an Ameraucana. I am super impressed with how well my chickens are doing laying wise and health wise because it has been so cold this week. Also on the egg front, two days ago all my chickens laid an egg!!! I just went outside and found two more eggs. One from my other Ameraucana and one from my Australorp.
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6.7-12 degrees
11 eggs from 15 hens
barred rocks, black australorp, production red, buff orpington, americanas
some are molting
one egg was the size of a marble a few days ago...pretty funny to see next to a normal egg.
Quote: I sure hope he appreciates how lucky he is. He could have become coyote bait out in these parts. He isnt the brightest rooster but he is kind to his 6 girls and all their kids (unless a cockeral son of his is being mean, then he whoop him
We got his 6 girl friends from a friend who was gonna cull off some of his chickens. He offered them to us for free and I just love them :) and apparently so does Whiski because I got 60 babies last
We got 9 eggs from 10 girls. It is a high of 7 today. We use artificial light from 4:30 AM until 6 PM in the coop.
I only have two red sex-linked hens (I live in a residential neighborhood). Yesterday was 8 degrees and I got an egg from each. They have consistently given us two eggs a day all through the winter.

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