Too many DP roosters, gonna process some!


The Chickeneer
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
El Dorado County, California
We have a lot of dual-purpose roos. Some are EEs, some are Rhode Island reds, couple of mixed breeds, a barnevelder, couple of white faced black Spanish, probably about 14 roosters all together. The oldest roo, one mottled java/FBCM cross, just turned a year old in October. He's turned mean, so we decided we're gonna roast him instead of putting up with his bad attitude (show HIM who's boss! LOL). Aside from the mottled java/FBCM rooster, the rest are between 5 and 9 months of age.

These roosters are not too old to process, are they? They have recently been separated into their own pen & given Meat Maker to help bulk them up. I am thinking we'll take them to be processed in about 2 more weeks.

We have never processed birds before. With this being our first time, we found someone who will do all the work for us and let us watch/help in exchange for half of them, which we are more than happy to do.

Thoughts, opinions, suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Edited to correct typos.
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If you have somebody that will help you I’d go that route. I usually only have 2-3 DP roos ready at any one time so for me a deal like that wouldn’t be worth it. I do mine in just under 45min per bird usually ( I am very slow) but it is fairly easy if you ever want to learn it.
I haven't had home grown chicken for a long time but according to most of the advice given on here your roos are about the right age.

The roo that is a year old may be a little tough, but should be real good for chicken and dumplins though!

The rest are probably about the right age for dual-purpose roos, just make sure to let them rest before cooking and cook "low and slow".
Get ready for some good eating!

These guys are not at all too old to process. I don't know if Meat Maker will make a big difference in their weight, I've never tried that. I cannot afford any specialty feeds, I give my DP cockerels layer pellets to eat and make them free-range most of the day to rustle up a majority of their food.

That sounds like a very good deal with your processor, you should know enough by the end of the day to do it again on your own next time.

I have processed a lot of DPs, never had one that was tough. I let them rest in the refrigerator for 2-3 days and cook them slowly, with low heat, and something to add moisture like vegs or broth, or in a plastic roasting bag. Sometimes I'll simmer them slowly in herbed water until the meat just melts off the bones, then I remove all the meat and freeze it for use in soups, stews, & chilis.
Thank you all so much!

Actually, this Meat Maker that I'm feeding them is a pig food. It was recommended to me by a local I met in a feed store one day who feeds nothing but Meat Maker to his meat birds and the DPs he plans to process and swears by the stuff. Costs exactly the same as regular chicken feed but has something like 24% protein. The birds we're planning to eat have been free ranging and eating regular Nutrena Flock Raiser until recently, but now they are spending the rest of their short little lives (about 2 more weeks) in an enclosed pen and being fed meat maker and kitchen scraps.

I'm a little nervous but excited at the same time. I don't think I will have a problem killing them and bleeding them out or plucking them, but I might get a little grossed out in the evisceration process.
You'll be fine
If you can at all, wear gloves. I couldn't get the gut smell out of my hands for a while. Be careful with the innards and all that.
Chickens are never too old to process, in my opinion. It just depends on how you prepare them!

For your 5-9 month olds, they are just the right age and can still be used for roasting.

For your year old rooster, he needs low and slow heat. Put him in a crockpot alllll day on low with celery, onions, carrots to make some of the best stock you've ever had in your life. You can strip the meat then use it for anything you need cooked meat for....chicken soups, chicken over noodles, chicken and dumplings, pot pies, stir fry whatever!
Do you can? You can can the meat and stock. You'll end up with some awesome stock and plenty of canned, tender meat to use for enchiladas, sandwiches, pot pies or whatever your heart desired. Save a couple of young ones for chicken and dumpling soup, and a medium aged one for coq au vin.
First with Dual Purpose birds roasters are allowed to be between 4 months and a year old so none of your roosters are too old. The trick is you just cook them slower than you would a bird that is ready to process at 8 weeks. If you cook at 325 breast side down and cook for longer they won't be too tough. Also the crock pot works wonders with any birds because it cooks on a low temp and very slow. Glad you have someone to help you. We had someone to help us the first three times we did it. I did it on my own today and I agree about an hour per bird is a good average when doing it on your own.

Good luck.

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