Topic of the Week - Aggressive Roosters: What is the best way to handle them?


The majority of roostets can be tamed to the point where they won't attack you. Some just take alot more time to tame. It's just that many people kill the rooster at first sign of aggresion without even giving him a proper taming process. If people don't have time to tame them then they could atleast try to give them a good life by giving them away, But people who just don't want to try or don't want to give up the time, Well they are whats wrong with the world, Putting their wants over an animals life.
The majority of roostets can be tamed to the point where they won't attack you. Some just take alot more time to tame. It's just that many people kill the rooster at first sign of aggresion without even giving him a proper taming process. If people don't have time to tame them then they could atleast try to give them a good life by giving them away, But people who just don't want to try or don't want to give up the time, Well they are whats wrong with the world, Putting their wants over an animals life.
I eat my extra roosters and none of them are human aggressive. I don't need six roosters. I only need one and I have two because I like the other little black on that I have. The others made great chicken and dumplings. There is nothing in the world wrong about eating one's extra roosters. It's better than killing them and throwing them away. At least their lives had meaning in that they fed their families.
I eat my extra roosters and none of them are human aggressive. I don't need six roosters. I only need one and I have two because I like the other little black on that I have. The others made great chicken and dumplings. There is nothing in the world wrong about eating one's extra roosters. It's better than killing them and throwing them away. At least their lives had meaning in that they fed their families.
Eating is fine if that was the plan. But killing Just because they have attacked once or twice isint nice.

I make mine go in the corner until I leave the coop. I taught them by making them uncomfortable (chasing them with the net) anywhere else in the coop. I've taught some to go to the roost by using the same technique. As soon as the rooster goes where I want him, I leave him alone. The good rooster figures out right quick how to stay out of my way. If the rooster wants to constantly challenge me, they go to the man down the road who turns them into stew.
LIKE your idea. I'll give it a try. Thanks for posting.
I have a friend who has a very aggresive rooster, and they use a little grabby tool to hold him down while they collect eggs. It looks like this
I also had a australorp rooster and he would attack us if we picked up any of the hens, or if we were feeding. I carried around a huge rake and he was scared of me from there on :cool:

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