Topic of the Week - Nest boxes

I built my own. The top and sides are screwed together and rest on the bottom for easy cleaning. 20161030_055338.jpg I use compacted straw for nest material. 20161021_092653.jpg There is a door on the backside to collect eggs and to clean.GC The top pic was taken through a dirty window. It looks like stuff flying around.
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I have one row of nest 'boxes' at floor level and one row above that with a closet size dowel to make access to the upper boxes easier. My boxes are on the 10' wall of my coop; I used to separate the 10' nest box span into 12 or 18" wide boxes (I have a couple of hefty girls), but the hens all try to stuff into the same nest box, to everyone's discomfort. So I took out the dividers and now have two 10' long nest boxes, each 12" deep and high, one above the other. The girls can go in together, sit and lay close together without sitting on top of each other. I can collect eggs from inside or from doors on the outside. Everyone's hapoy. My coop is only for laying eggs and sleeping (no food or water) so it stays pretty dark - no curtains. No problems with hens going broody, it just happens. I use pine shavings throughout the coop and in the boxes. I clean poop once a day for 10 minutes, never have any odor.
I have one row of nest 'boxes' at floor level and one row above that with a closet size dowel to make access to the upper boxes easier. ..
Could you possibly post a couple of photos of your two 10' long nest boxes? That sounds like a sensible flexible solution. I am about to build nest boxes for a new chicken coop. Thanks!
Since I am moving young hens into their new coop first, I decided to use an old set of metal nest boxes. They are about a foot off the ground and have a board in front for them to them to light on before entering the nest, which is filled with pine shavings and hay right now. We did put a board up in front of the boxes since it will be several more months until they begin laying. My older ladies will be introduced to the new coop later this week. I have not decided about adding more nest boxes (or take the board off the metal ones), but am really liking the 5 gal bucket nests. I have plenty of room and might put some of those on the ground. I love this thread and will be reading what others are doing.
Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 11.39.36 PM.png
I am just starting out with my layers.
We used all repurposed materials to save $$.
We repurposed grandkids clubhouse for the hens. They all roost up in the right corner space at night. Just started getting eggs last week and all but one have laid in the nesting boxes below. Second morning in a row I found one in the roost. Same place as the first so I added golf balls back in the nesting boxes today to encourage the newbie. It worked with the other 3 laying. I am using a few inches of pine shavings in the boxes and they seem to like it as they lay and pick up the pieces that fall out and place them back in the box. I am still learning and may add curtains soon. Loving my new Hobbie! I only have 5 hens so the 2 boxes are perfect. Both have been used.

My nesting boxes are on the ground. I use pine shavings for bedding in my coop. When i have a broody, i simply separate the box using a grate (really closet shelving) and then when the chicks hatch i add a box and write "home sweet home" on it. I cut a hole in one side of the box, attach it to the nesting box opening, and use some zip ties to put a grate (again, closet shelving) on top that opens so i can change food and water and grab chicks. I put a grate against the rest of the nesting box opening that the box doesn't cover. I put water on a small box in the box attachment so that they can't kick shavings into it as easily. At about one week, they go out into the run.
Nest boxes, those carefully designed coop essentials where we're all hoping our laying ladies would deposit the rent. (Note: hoping) This week I would like to hear you all's thoughts on all things "nest boxes"... Specifically:

- What do you use for nest boxes?
- What bedding materials do you use in your nest boxes?
- Maintaining your nest boxes. (Cleaning, pest control, etc)
- Managing broody hen(s) in the nest box.
- How do you make your nest boxes attractive for the hens? (I.e. encourage them to use the boxes, instead of dropping their eggs all over the yard)
- How do you discourage your hens from sleeping in the nest boxes?

Anything you'd like to add?
Awsome idea with the use of the buckets! Clean up is so simple!
We have 3 nest boxes that are off the ground, but all 3 chickens prefer to use the same nest box! What would the reason for this be? It perplexes me. We use shaving in our next boxes - but I think I'd like to try something different so I'm looking forward to seeing what you all do.
Try putting a ceramic egg or golf ball in the other 2. It may or may not work. Sometimes a hen will choose one nest over another because they feel more secure or its darker or secluded, even harder to get to. Think like a hen, you're going to do a very private thing, and you may be able to figure it out. GC

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