Toppled Waterer, Traumatized Owner & Saved by a Dryer


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Central Indiana
I received 15 meaties in the mail today from Ideal. Everyone was healthy and happy upon arrival. The chicks were delivered during my lunch hour @ work, so I ran to the PO to get them and get them set-up. I put them in a "new" container, one that I had not used before, w/their water and feed. Around 4pm, as I coming home my husband called me to tell me that the chicks were soaking wet and most of them looked as though they were dead. I was almost home and my husband refuses to touch chickens (weird I know, a whole other thread) so when I got home there was a terrible sight.

Out of the 15:
*4 were dry
*2 were kinda wet
*6 were soaked to the bone, eyes closed, gasping for breath
*3 were dead

I grabbed the 6 that were barely alive, got a blow-dryer, wrapped them in paper towels as I dried them carefully w/the hair dryer, under the heating lamp. The other 2 I dried as well and the other 3 could not be saved
Ugh I feel like a terrible owner, plus I have this terrible picture of those poor baby chicks. I'm mad at myself that I used a new container and that obviously wasn't sturdy enough to hold a waterer. And usually I stay home w/them to monitor, but today was just impossible. Anyways, for now, the 12 are doing fine
I got 16 from them today as well 1 extra. I have used the same brooder for all 3 sets it is a small sized galvanized oval shaped watering trough. I have used it in the past for doggie baths. Had it for years just bleach it out between batches. So sorry for your loss
Thanks everyone for your kind words
So far, so good w/the chicks. I went to TSC last night and bought some electrolyte stuff to put in their water (I think its called Sav-A-Chick, so appropriate) Everyone is eating and drinking well...I will definitely keep my eye out for any hints of pneumonia, I didn't even think about that
They will get there, bless your heart for such a rough start.
Since we both got them at the same time would be interested in watching your progress.

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