Totally off topic, but interesting nonetheless


Overrun with Drakes
12 Years
Jun 8, 2007
Kitsap County, WA
So do you ever wonder where all the money you are spending to fuel up your vehicle is going? Well in Dubai it is being used to develop a metropolis in the desert . The most bizaree and already completed project? Ski Dubai .

I had no idea. I mean it's their money and they can do with it what they will, but it seems a ludicrous waste to me. Then again, I'd rather spend my money on simpler things.
That's only an extremely small part of what is being built there. go to youtube and punch in Dubai, there are palm islands being built, world islands, Dubailand(like disney world) crazy crazy.....
They have a series of man made islands where it's shaped like the world, too. I think it's pretty cool. DH and I watched a program on how they were building it and it was very interesting and expensive. But they'll make their money back selling the islands to developers and rich people who can afford it. They start at about 10 million an island. :eek:
I saw some eps on discovery channel. But I think they should have put more into diseases and cures instead of these islands. How about oil and solar energy.
Well if you look at that way, The US spends A LOT of money on stupid things that could have been used for medical purposes and invest in alternative types of energy.
I know that. We tried ethanol and that did not work well. I think they should invest in bio-diesal (SP?) if they do that then maybe we could heat our homes with it. Not trying to start things but it gets me mad. Maybe if tourism works the money could be invested into better things?

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