TRADE - Crazy Garden Seed Train - herbs, vegetables, flowers

I'll take the Sugar Snap Peas

I'll offer:
Cantaloupe-Hales Best
Eggplant-Black Beauty
Swiss Chard-Fordhook
Peas-Little Marvel
Black Beauty Zucchini
Beets-Detroit Dark Red
Okra-Clemson Spineless
Mustard-Southern Giant Curled
Squash-Yellow Crookneck
Cucumber-Wisconsin Pickler
Garden Bean-Burpee Stringless
Garden Bean-Topnotch Golden Wax
Watermelon-Sugar Baby
Garden Beans-Tendergreen
Pumpkin-Jack O' Lantern
Baby's Breath
Lettuce-Black Seeded Simpson
Lettuce-Parris Island Cos
Cosmos-Mixed Colors
Daisy-Shasta Alaska
Nasturtium-Jewel Mixed Colors
Old Fashioned Mixture-Annual Cut Flowers

I also have some corn I just bought from my local feedstore. Not sure the name, (he said something like I or 90 or something..) but the owner told me it is a Bi-Color sweet corn. The seeds are a real pretty redish color. Im not to familiar with corn, but he said it was an eatting corn and tasted great! These are locally grown, not out of a seed packet.


On a side note..if anyone that was suppose to be getting seeds from me and they still have not arrived. PLEASE PM me and let me know(and what seeds I was suppose to send). I'll resend them! I had that funny mishap with the PO so Im not sure everyone got the seeds they were suppose to. Sorry about that.
I'll need your address.
Just wanted to share that snack bags and jiffy mix (or pudding, jello etc.)boxes work well for packaging up the seeds.
That's what I used so seeds would not get destroyed in the mail.
Hope this might help some. I also sent seeds out today.
What happened to everyone?

Someone please tell me that I did not scare everyone away

Do I have to scrounge up some more seeds to keep this train going???? I was so interested in this one to

all abord?
Looks like we are stuck so I will try to get us going again OK

African Daisy

Scarlet Globe radish
sweet banana pepper
Armenian cucumber
garlic chives
long island mammoth dill
California Wonder sweet pepper
Icicle radish
birdhouse gourd
Champion Bush cucumber
jack o lantern pumpkin
acorn squash
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I planted some things outside and put a lot of things in jiffy pots. I will have to go through and see what I have left.
I got some great beans and they are up.
I really enjoyed this trading of seeds thing. At this point we are busy transplanting seedlings into bigger pots and starting more. I don't know, if we'll be needing any more seeds for a while.
I just wanted to Thank everyone in the swap. My gardens look fantastic and I contribute 75% of that to the seeds I've received here. Here's a few shots around the homestead.

My veggie garden. The chickie poo/kitchen scrap compost really set these plants off this year. I have heirloom tomatoes the size of my hand and everything is flourishing.

Thanks for the zuchini, squash, corn, kale and mustard greens (these were a big hit all spring. Im collecting seeds now for next year.. and to swap) and the broccoli, cauliflower, limas and green beans. I've canned a ton of green beans already.

Here's some flowers. Thanks for the sunflowers... we're leaving them on the stalk for the birds. Also, the cock's comb is doing fantastic!! so is the orange cosmos.





I look forward to more swapping this Winter
The local squirrels and earwigs would like to thank all you for providing them with tasty treats

Some of the seeds I gave to my girlfriend to grow in her yard are doing great though, so there is hope yet

Msbear, your garden looks awesome!

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