Trader Joes & Other Grocery Store Egg Hatching Club - Are you a Member

A fertilized egg's white spot on close examination will look like a donut or a target in the early stages. It won't be solid, flat looking. That's an easy way to tell if your egg is fertile.

(And, sometimes, eggs sold as fertile are not so. The flock where the egg comes from has a rooster is basically what "fertile" means on the egg carton.)
Just popped a dozen TJs in the bator - Wednesday afternoon we are showing my sons kindergarten class what a developing egg looks like! I was too stingy to use my own purebred eggs
I'll join the club now that one of my Rock Island eggs from my local health food store just hatched at day 23. The store I got the eggs from is called Good Earth, so the chick is named Eartha. She is the only hatch out of the dozen, but most of the eggs I bought from an ebay seller didn't hatch either (newbie hatcher here). She is much weaker than the other birds that hatched, but hopefully will be up and walking tomorrow.

Does anyone know if these Rock Island eggs are sex-links and if the chick is yellow does that mean rooster? I've read that only first generation Red Stars would be sex-linkable.

Thanks for any info.
I'll join the club now that one of my Rock Island eggs from my local health food store just hatched at day 23. The store I got the eggs from is called Good Earth, so the chick is named Eartha. She is the only hatch out of the dozen, but most of the eggs I bought from an ebay seller didn't hatch either (newbie hatcher here). She is much weaker than the other birds that hatched, but hopefully will be up and walking tomorrow.

Does anyone know if these Rock Island eggs are sex-links and if the chick is yellow does that mean rooster? I've read that only first generation Red Stars would be sex-linkable.

Thanks for any info.
They are not sexlinks. The chicks are all yellow. Some will have spots and some will have some orange.

I hope you hatched a pullet.
Thanks, ronott1. This poor chick was sticky and now much of the feathering is glued/hard crusted to its body. I have used some warm water and a soft toothbrush to help alleviate this issue, but it is slow going. Then I pop it back in the 'bator. It certainly is a loud chick!
I love this so much! I don't even have an incubator but I am trying an experiment with a shoe box and a lamp. So far the temp and humidity has been good the first day! Using some fresh eggs from a local farmers market. Maybe we will try TJ eggs or whole foods next and buy a "real" incubator lol (any inexpensive ones that you reccomend?) Such a fun thing to try!! :D
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Hey all, I set 2 dzn Rock Island eggs on 4/28 along with a bunch of other eggs.

Has it ever been determined what breed/mix these birds grow up to be?

It has been posted on this thread. There is a search the thread feature.

post 1940

They are hy-line leghorns crossed with hi-line brown roosters. Whole foods are the other way--brown hens x white roosters--both hy-line breeds.
Thank you so much.

I Don't know how I missed it, but I just never noticed the "search this thread" feature. Thats's going to make researching so much easier.

That's the great thing about BYC ... always something new to learn.

The chicks I hatched for New Years are laying eggs now. So far all of the eggs have been light brown. I have 17 pullets out of 32 that hatched.
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