Trailer Coops

accio! chickens

10 Years
Nov 28, 2009
I'm going to be starting the planning process for the new chicken coop. We have 19 hens right now but plan on expanding and adding something like Chanteclers or Black Australorps ... I can't build anything over 10x10 without a permit, HOWEVER, I can build it on a trailer and the town can't do anything about it. I'm looking at building an 8x14ft coop that either we can tow or push. For the most part the coop would be stationary in the bottom of the yard. I'm looking at probably a 5ft or 6ft roof height, with my nest boxes mounted so I have access to them from the outside. The coop must be easy to clean, so I was thinking having one end open up completely with two large doors.

What should I do about the wheels/trailer base? I had originally wanted to put it on a hay cart but all the hay carts I've seen seem to have a pin hitch, as in to go on a tractor and not a ball hitch.

Does anyone have photos of their own moveable coops and/or ideas for my wheel base? The building would be 2x4 construction.
I saw that one but the coop is a lot smaller than what I need and I'm most concerned with it's wheel system and moveability...

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