trainer chicks?

8 Years
Apr 25, 2011
hello im thinking about getting some peachicks & i was wandering if chickens are the only option or will geese ducks turkeys ect. but as far as chickens go I do want some bantams to be broodys. what breeds are the best trainers for peachicks?
Your question is odd. What do you mean by trainer chicks? Are chickens the only option for what?

Sounds like you're a bit confused about keeping peafowl. Most people suggest that you not keep peafowl with other fowl.
I only had 1 peachick at first so I got it a day old ameracauna that did really well. It got too big at 3 weeks and started jumping on the new little peachicks. So I had to put poor little Beardsley who thinks he's a peachick in with the chickens.

A cochin stays smaller so would make a good choice I think. I heard you shouldn't use older chicks that have had time to catch any diseases and not to leave them in for long but I'm just starting out. I also read that you shouldn't put turkeys in with other birds so I wouldn't use one of those (they are "special" and have to be taught to eat themselves so wouldn't make good trainers anyway). Not sure about ducks.
Silkies are great for this. I have all my silkies sitting on pea eggs now and have had 4 hatch and are waiting on 12 more! They are perfect little mothers! Often two silkies will sit together and they both take care of the babies! So sweet...... Of course Silkies are flightless so now the little peas are flying around and the Silkes are looking at them like they are crazy!

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