Traumatized chicken?


May 24, 2022
The oldest hen in my 3 chicken flock was found today lying on her side with head feathers missing. I took her inside and we've kept her in a box at first as she was stiff and frozen, only blinking. A couple hours later she started looking around, basically tilting her head and moving her neck everywhere in a constant vigilance. I moved her to a dog crate where she kept doing that, and attempted to see how she'd do back outside with our docile chicken. She just kept looking around and acting terrified. She has always been the top hen, so is she in shock? I've brought her back inside and gave her electrolyte water thru a syringe. She is still looking around and appearing terrified. What can I do? I've covered her crate with a blanket. This hen is about 5 years old, but I've never seen anything like this. She's normally friendly towards me but she just seems scared of everything that moves now. What can be done? I don't think its neurological, as she can walk and jump just fine.
Could she have possibly been spooked by a dog? Keep her warm (unless you live in a hot climate). Give her food and water, see how she reacts to the other chickens. Do you have a rooster?
Could she have possibly been spooked by a dog? Keep her warm (unless you live in a hot climate). Give her food and water, see how she reacts to the other chickens. Do you have a rooster?
No, I don't think it was a dog. She was in her coop, which is in a fenced off garden that needs a gate open to access. I have food and water inside the crate, but she hasn't even acknowledged it. Even her favorite treat mealworms haven't been touched. I gave her water through her beak because she hasn't drank for hours. She seemed nervous around the one chicken that was out. No roosters. I brought her back into the house where it's warm.
No, I don't think it was a dog. She was in her coop, which is in a fenced off garden that needs a gate open to access. I have food and water inside the crate, but she hasn't even acknowledged it. Even her favorite treat mealworms haven't been touched. I gave her water through her beak because she hasn't drank for hours. She seemed nervous around the one chicken that was out. No roosters. I brought her back into the house where it's warm.
I’m really sorry to hear that it happened, but I’m afraid this is where my knowledge ends.
@Miss Lydia @Wyorp Rock
Sounds like a predator got hold of her, she isn't going to want to eat and drink until she gets over the shock so just make her comfortable in a quiet place semi-dark.
Sounds like a predator got hold of her, she isn't going to want to eat and drink until she gets over the shock so just make her comfortable in a quiet place semi-dark.
Maybe, but what confuses me is that she was in the coop with her two friends when it happened. The coop is predator proof, so unless a rat snuck in and scared her I think it was the younger ones bullying her. It's been a few hours and she still hasn't eaten. Just did a (sorry for tmi haha) liquidy poop and constantly scanning around still. I covered her cage with blankets. Honestly debating on trying to syringe baby food with her. How long can chickens go without eating? I certainly don't want her to starve.
Maybe, but what confuses me is that she was in the coop with her two friends when it happened. The coop is predator proof, so unless a rat snuck in and scared her I think it was the younger ones bullying her. It's been a few hours and she still hasn't eaten. Just did a (sorry for tmi haha) liquidy poop and constantly scanning around still. I covered her cage with blankets. Honestly debating on trying to syringe baby food with her. How long can chickens go without eating? I certainly don't want her to starve.
She won't starve, just give her a day or so.
Try giving her some scrambled eggs to tempt her
Maybe, but what confuses me is that she was in the coop with her two friends when it happened. The coop is predator proof, so unless a rat snuck in and scared her I think it was the younger ones bullying her. It's been a few hours and she still hasn't eaten. Just did a (sorry for tmi haha) liquidy poop and constantly scanning around still. I covered her cage with blankets. Honestly debating on trying to syringe baby food with her. How long can chickens go without eating? I certainly don't want her to starve.
Most animals can go 3 days without water, and 30 days without food.
She won't starve to not eat for a couple of days, but you're doing good to get the water into her. Keep it up. You might try giving her some B-Complex vitamins, they're good for neurological issues. The human kind is fine. Just pop one into her beak; she'll swallow it. One a day for several days. I don't know if it would help, but it couldn't hurt.
The oldest hen in my 3 chicken flock was found today lying on her side with head feathers missing. I took her inside and we've kept her in a box at first as she was stiff and frozen, only blinking. A couple hours later she started looking around, basically tilting her head and moving her neck everywhere in a constant vigilance. I moved her to a dog crate where she kept doing that, and attempted to see how she'd do back outside with our docile chicken. She just kept looking around and acting terrified. She has always been the top hen, so is she in shock? I've brought her back inside and gave her electrolyte water thru a syringe. She is still looking around and appearing terrified. What can I do? I've covered her crate with a blanket. This hen is about 5 years old, but I've never seen anything like this. She's normally friendly towards me but she just seems scared of everything that moves now. What can be done? I don't think its neurological, as she can walk and jump just fine.
Clear well lit photos of her, her missing feathers, both of her eyes and her poop - Thank You.

Was she with a rooster?

Give her warmed sugar water (1tsp sugar to 1cup water) or electrolytes. Work on hydration first, then once she's drinking, offer some food.

Look her over very well for any other injuries, abrasions or bruising - under the feathers, around the vent, wings, etc. just to be sure there's nothing hidden.

She can stand and walk?
Clear well lit photos of her, her missing feathers, both of her eyes and her poop - Thank You.

Was she with a rooster?

Give her warmed sugar water (1tsp sugar to 1cup water) or electrolytes. Work on hydration first, then once she's drinking, offer some food.

Look her over very well for any other injuries, abrasions or bruising - under the feathers, around the vent, wings, etc. just to be sure there's nothing hidden.

She can stand and walk?
I know it wouldn't account for the feather loss, but could Mareks cause full body paralysis?

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