Do you travel?

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Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
I don’t know if there’s already a thread on this so if so, sorry, but I thought this might be fun. Basically, you can talk about anything travel related like your favorite places or where you’d go if you could, etc. or asking and answering questions.

For me, I’d love to go to Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Banff, Glacier, Alaska, etc. and I’d also love to go to Europe, the U.K., and Ireland. And Australia.

I’ve been to Florida several times and love it there and the Bahamas is cool too but I prefer mountains and forests to beaches lol although I do want to go to several of the other Caribbean islands as well.

A question I have is when is the best time to visit the U.K. and Europe.


@EmmaRainboe I know you’ve traveled a lot.

@Overo Mare what was that place you wanted to go? Belize????
I used to travel some but haven’t been anywhere since covid. I’ve been to almost all the states East of the Mississippi. I still want to see the Great Lakes and Maine in the East. I’d also like to see and possibly hike the great canyon and Appalachian trail but I don’t I’ll ever be in good enough shape be brave enough for that. I’d also like to see Europe one day but I don’t know if that will happen either.
I used to travel some but haven’t been anywhere since covid. I’ve been to almost all the states East of the Mississippi. I still want to see the Great Lakes and Maine in the East. I’d also like to see and possibly hike the great canyon and Appalachian trail but I don’t I’ll ever be in good enough shape be brave enough for that. I’d also like to see Europe one day but I don’t know if that will happen either.
Maine is awesome!!! I love it there. If you ever go, you gotta check out Fryeburg, Bethel, and Bridgton. They’re awesome. The Fryeburg Fair is great too.
@EmmaRainboe I know you’ve traveled a lot
Indeed. Just got back from a month long trip the day before yesterday and leaving for another trip again on Saturday :lau

I’ve been to most US states, though one I’ve never gotten the chance to go to and always wanted to is Hawaii.

It’s so hard to pick a favorite place. Scotland is always gorgeous. Snorkeling in Belize and Honduras is absolutely incredible. Grand cayman too.

Oh and Cozumel… the beaches are stunning.

Alaska is cold but the glaciers are so cool. (Literally lol)

A place I’ve been to many times and generally am ot a fan of is Nasau…

Big Bend in Texas was absolutely incredible too. It’s so cool to just look up and see the milky way. Amazing.

Something else I’ve always wanted to do is see the northern lights.

Oh and crater lake in Oregon. Absolutely stunning.

The Caverns of Sonora is so cool. I’ve been to many caverns but that one stands out because they had peafowl, turkeys, and lots and lots of guineas outside everywhere. And the RV park was really small and peaceful.

Also white sands in New Mexico was cool. It was so fun sledding.

Oh and the Grand Canyon and Yosemite are cool.

But honestly my #1 favorite place to go is not exotic or unusual, but Disneyworld. Hands down.
I've been a lot of places and have a lot more on the list. Most of my travel interest has to do with photography (Like going some place to take pictures of things), but I'd like to visit a lot of Europe for the architectural history (and the castles). Scotland and Ireland because that's my ancestry.

Some day...

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