will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.
B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.
C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.
D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.
I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.


Welcome to the Traveling Fashion Show RP. This RP is about Jasmine a woman with a dream of owning a fashion show business of her own but there is someone following her every move, she tries to ignore it but then things start happening like lights falling ruined dresses and much more. Will she find out who is dammaging her reputation or will she fail at getting a fashion show buissness !

* Be Nice

* This Role Play is about Fashion

* If you are having a problem with another member please discuss with them through

* What we say Goes ArtGirl and I are moderators on the thread and can accept forms
and other things

* All BYC rules apply

* Don't Rp until I accepted you

* Have Fun!

* Your Fashion models can not be magic or magically heal

* When you are chatting or talking about the story put what you are saying
in parenthesis.

* Please try to keep things realistic

* Do not control or kill other peoples characters

* You may play as a random person that they may find horses but they can't be you're main character and it must just be for part of they story like ( I person attacked one of the fashion models and stole your dress and you control the person stealing the dress for that part of the story. Some thing like that...)

*Your Fashion may marry and have kids.

* You may request dresses or outfits to wear in the shows but I have to o.k. it.

Entering form:
Favorite color:
Member Name:


* One of Jasmines best friends helping her start her buissness: You are one of Jasmines best friends helping her start her buissness. There are 4 Best friend positions available.

* Fashion Model: One of the people that walks down the stage and wears the dresses. There are unlimited Fashion Models available.

* Makeup Person: The person who does the fashion models makeup. There are unlimited Makeup People available.

* Dress or outfit Sewer: The person who makes the designs come to life. There are 3 Dress sewers available.

* Designer: One of the people who designs dresses ( but you have to ask if the dress you
designed is o.k. with my character Jasmine to wear or be used in the fashion show first. ) There are 3 designers available. Also if you are a designer please post a fashion drawing of your dress and if you can't find one you can use a normal dress photo but please try to find a drawing.

* One of the bad guys ruining Jasmines Fashion dream: You are 1 of 3 of the bad guys
trying to get rid of Jasmine so there isn't any more fashion competition. There are 3 bad guys available.

Remember have fun and let me know if you have any requests of stuff for us to do in the roll play.

Enjoy !

Last edited by a moderator:
Here is my character she is the main character of the story.

Name: Jasmine
Gender: Girl
Age: 23
Crush: Non yet
Favorite color: Pink & Purple
Personality: Funny, Smart, Popular
History: Non
Rank: Designer, Owner of the Fashion buissness, Makeup Person, Dress sewer, Fashion Model.
Member Name: Catcrazy632


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