Treat whole brooder for wry neck?


5 Years
Dec 12, 2016
Erie PA
Hey guys I believe I have a couple chicks with wry neck. I have everything I need and will start treating now but should I treat everyone in brooder? Is there a way to tell who might have it before they neck gets bad? Everyone is 1 to 2 weeks old many different breeds as well as turkeys.
Vitamin e capsules, electrolytes, and selenium. I think I spelt that right. I'm not clear on the early warning signs. And why they even have it.
What are you feeding them? Can you check your dates on the feed sack? Vitamins can leech out if setting on the shelf awhile. Did you hatch all of the chicks yourself? I would make sure that I was giving them thiamine (vitamin B1,) vitamin E, and the mineral selenium ( found in egg, seeds, and nuts) to treat the wry neck symptoms. You may need to hold them to make sure they are getting enough to eat several times a day. Feeding egg mixed with chicken feed and water is a good way to get enough into them. Here is some reading:
They are hatchery chicks. Getting normal starter and vitamins in water. I'm having a horrible time with these guys. The barred rocks or so fragile. Can I give them some of the thiamine I have for goats ? I have been mixing brewers yeast to food because I had one with leg problems. Had to treat with corrid as well. And one had Angel wing! I swear I'm doing everything I normally do but I just keep loosing them. Only one has really bad twit to neck. Other one looks like its going too and i have four that are lethargic.

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