Treating for sour crop and now chicken is not standing or walking, help!


May 11, 2020
New York City
My Coop
My Coop
My 4 year old duff Orpington have and impacted crop that turned sour. 9 months ago (June 2023) I noticed that she was having issues breathing, opening her beak to breath and her comb turned purple. She was also shaking her head a lot like trying to removed something stock on her throat. I took her to our vet that takes exotic animals, he dismissed my hypothesis and said she may had water retention, And suggested some tests that were too expensive for me. I took her home and She still had trouble breathing but some days she would get better and her comb turned red again. I gave her olive oil and massages on her crop. And her breathing issues improved but didn’t resolved 100%. I then assumed she had a chronic respiratory disease. This past weekend (6 days ago) she started looking droopy and I took her inside to the hospital cage, I noticed that she lost a lot of weight. I went back to my hypothesis of impacted crop, her crop felt huge, I made her vomit & she indeed had half rubber band in her crop and a couple days after I make her vomited again as I could still felt something in her crop, she vomited the other half of the rubber band and some long vegetation strings. Her crop now feels normal I have been giving her monistat twice per day for 5 days, plus booster rooster vitamins and probiotics, wet feed and plain yogurt. She got tired of the wet feed and she only wants her mini pebbles, there are a lot of noises coming from her crop, she looked better at first but now she looks bad, one day she would look good and the next bad, today she doesn’t stand or walk. She is drinking and eating (not much). What else can I do? Please help!!


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Update! Gavi has recovered from sour crop after she vomited the rubber bands that impacted her crop. but she lost so much weight (half her usual weight) and wasn’t interested in food or water, 4 days ago I started to tube feeding her after spending tons of time reading all the great info about it here at Backyard and thank you all in this community for sharing so much wisdom, I followed the instructions and I’m happy to say that I can now tube feed a chicken. But I have a Question, how is the alternating with food and water tube feeding, first water and then wait a few hours to do feed feeding? She is 1100 grams, 30 ml of food and 30 ml of water every 6 hours it’s ok?
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I don't know for sure, but someone mentioned that tumors can cause digestive/crop issues. Perhaps she had tumors that pressed on her nerves that stopped her from walking.

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