Trees next to run? I want to tell my husband he is wrong

I want to plant fruit trees next or near my chicken run to help provide shade for the run and protection when free ranging. My husband thinks the fruits trees will give the hawks somewhere to hide and hunt. Pro or Con having fruit trees next to or near chicken run.
The chickens will eat the grout that falls to the ground, so that it doesn't rot; that's a win-win!
We have fruit trees... other posts were correct, the hawks don't perch in the trees.
We had a hawk problem, from the periphery of the property, the high pines, etc. Hawks hate crows, and the crows will also scavenge the downed fruit. I never thought I would want to attract crows of all things, but my flock is much, much safer now. We even scatter black oil sunflower seeds to keep the crows around. Since the crows have come in, we have had not one casualty.
Good luck with your fruit trees!
The chickens will eat the fruut that falls to the ground, so that it doesn't rot; that's a win-win!
We have fruit trees... other posts were correct, the hawks don't perch in the trees.
We had a hawk problem, from the periphery of the property, the high pines, etc. Hawks hate crows, and the crows will also scavenge the downed fruit. I never thought I would want to attract crows of all things, but my flock is much, much safer now. We even scatter black oil sunflower seeds to keep the crows around. Since the crows have come in, we have had not one casualty.
Good luck with your fruit trees!
I don't know about hawks. We intentionally put our coop/run under a tree, and constantly have issues with neighbor cats and raccoons climbing the tree to stalk our birds.
We have a whole orchid, apple trees, lemon, fig and more near the coop. Has not attracted birds of prey like hawks and eagles, it could act as a cover actually, plus the fruit that drops ya chooks can eat. Hawks ect.. don't come down to nest in apple trees they like higher things like pine, don't they.

EDIT: people basically saying same as me. 🌲🐦
I haven't read all the replies/comments but being from a fruit growing area of the country I know that a lot of pesticide sprays are used on fruit trees. You don't want that near your chickens. You own't get much fruit if you don't spray. If your chickens don't have shade you do need to provide that in the hot weather. Probably shade cloth until you grow bushes/small trees outside the run if you and your husband agree. You try to grow anything in the run the chickens will destroy it before it has any chance to grow. Trees near the coop would be good to keep it cooler in the summer. We live in the south and our birds wouldn't survive without trees for shade. I think the trees help to hide them better from birds of prey. We have hawks and eagles. Eagles are worse than hawks. I've not lost a full sized chicken to a hawk but I have to eagles. I've lost baby birds to hawks. I'm thinking shade is necessary to keep the birds cooler in hot weather than the problem of birds of prey.
I recently learned about cherry bushes. They grow only 4' tall on average and produce pie cherries. Easy care. Also honey berry bushes. Supposed to taste like a cross between blueberries and raspberries. Both are fast growing/producing and require no spraying to my understanding. Safer for your girls and would throw shade. I'm going to try both in my yard.
At the risk of suggesting compromise ... I recommend you investigate espalier pruning apple/pear trees. (not my picture)

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Woodbridge Fruit Trees used to have a great how-to write up ... dubbed 'Bob Magnus's KNNN Espalier system' (... their website seems to be having some issues, so I won't link to it.) It's really fairly simple.

If I get a chance I'll post a picture of my pear trees.
I don’t think that setup will bring the shade she is looking for.

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