Tricks for increasing lay rates


13 Years
Feb 5, 2011
Lake Crystal, MN
Does anybody have any tricks for increasing lay rates. My 10 hens are about 2 years old and despite being on 14 hours of light im only getting 3 eggs a day on average. Seems like I should be getting more. My sister in law said she heard withholding food for a couple days may kick them into gear. Any other tried and true methods out there??
how do their combs look? it could be vitamin deficiency, worms, or just simple weather changes.

i dont believe in the withholding feed methods, it takes a lot of protein for them to produce an egg - i think i remember reading somewhere it takes 4 lbs of feed to make 1 dozen eggs.

do you have an egg eater? sometimes they will develop a taste for their eggs - leaving no remains other than an occasional orange mark on their feathers from the yolk. marans and wyandottes are common egg eaters, i really cant tell you why.
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Combs look good. I think it is probably the weather. It was 65 yesterday and its snowing again today. 20s at night and 60s during the day is pretty common fall weather here at 7500 feet elevation. I guess Ill just be more patient.

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