Tricks For Reintroducing A Broody Hen?


8 Years
May 23, 2016
Pacific Northwest
One of our BO went broody this spring and so we got some fertile eggs from a friend and let her have her own chicks. she was a awesome mom but the day did come when she started back to laying eggs and where the pullets could be on their own, it was time to reintroduce her to her flock of 4 other hens. This Hen, Sunflower, was at the top of the pecking order, used to be quite large and in charge. being broody seemed a bit hard on her, she lost some weight and her feathers became kind of washed out in color, almost looked like she was going to molt. When I added her back I was astonished to see how the other hens treated her. they take turns viciously pecking on her head and pulling out mouthfuls of feathers, she just sits there with her head down till she can't take it anymore and then runs off. It is hard to watch, I figured having her within view of the other hens while she reared her chicks would keep them aquatinted. Does anyone have any tricks on how to ease the transition back or is this just how it goes sometimes?
Intergrating is never an easy process.
It take time.
Keep her away, but still in sight of the meanies, until she fully recovers/gains her weight back.
This is one of the reasons I don't separate birds, it causes a lot of problems. Some people do separate the broody hen, but I don't. Especially if she was the top hen. They maintain their status, and will raise chicks in the flock, no problem.

But that does not help you now... a single bird integration is a tough one to do. All of the flock knows this is a new bird, a bird that will want be higher in order than them and it is best to get your lick in right away. Hence they all pick on her. Being as you have a place, pick a middle hen and section her and the broody hen together, away from the flock, but within site of the flock if possible. They will duke it out, but it is one on one, not a gang on one.

After a week or two, add the pair back to the flock. In two weeks your broody should be getting her strength back, and a pair is better than a single bird. They will all duke it out again, but it won't be so one sided.

Mrs k

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