trying to break a broody with no wire cage


12 Years
Dec 27, 2007
Wheatfield, NY near NiagFalls
My RIR has been broody for about 4 or 5 days. I've tried a lot of things to break her, including dunking her in water, putting ice cubes under her, and keeping her in an outside chicken jail so she can't get back to the nest. I thought the outside jail would work, since it prevents her from going to the nest, but will she continue to be broody in the grass? I don't want to keep this up if it's not going to help. I don't have a metal cage. I tried a dog cage but she kept spilling her water and food and ended up making a huge mess. Any suggestions, please? Thanks!
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I just removed mine from the nest box every time I went out(usually twice a day). they eventually stopped being broody after doing this for a couple of weeks.
I agree with illinichick. I have a broody buff that is in the "favorite" nest box. I kept kicking her out for about a week. this morning she was not in the box. I don't know if one of the others beat her there or if she's stopped but I never saw her out when she was being difficult.
Thank you! It's encouraging to know that eventually, they get over it. I have no desire for more chickens, I have enough going on in life, lol, so letting her sit on fertile eggs just wasn't going to happen. I don't even have fertile eggs to begin with.

The outdoor chicken jail seems to be working, and I let her out of that every coupld of hours to join the rest of the flock in ranging. She'll range for about 30 min, then go back to the coop, so I intercept her and put her back in chicken jail. What an ordeal, lol (for ME).
I put a bucket on their nest and that stops them every time...
I put a box in mine's nest and she got on top of it.
So found a piece of wood and completely blocked it off. She's been at it a week and I'm trying to stay strong! Locking her out of the henhouse completely un-nerves her. She shrieks like a horror flick chick and gets totally out of control.
Hopefully just a few more days and it will be over!
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