TudyBOT Feedback & Discussion Thread

Wow, what a fun and CRAZY day yesterday!

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You can see the HUGE thread here: April Fool's Day 2023 | Introducing TudyBOT - Our New AI BYC Member

This thread is to discuss the idea of having a robot AI (@TudyBOT) as part of BYC.

  • We value all opinions.
  • We read every opinion, and just because we don't agree with each opinion doesn't mean it wasn't read or understood.
  • Nobody cares for BYC more than I or the BYC moderators do. At the end of the day our main priority is to do what is BEST for the community and the majority of our members and their flocks
  • You can share your thoughts and respectfully-disagree with each other or us, but we will enforce all our BYC rules regarding being kind and friendly... even during a disagreement. Fighting will NOT be tolerated publicly (you are welcome to have intense arguments via PM if you choose)
High Level:
  • The main idea/goal of @TudyBOT was to add one more "tool" to our community that our members would have 100% control over (to use, not use, ignore, etc.)
  • Our team have been extensively testing and discussing if / how we should implement this AI. We have some ideas of what we'd like to do with it, but also want to be mindful of what the community thinks.
  • @TudyBOT is based on OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo, but we've mixed-in our own secret-recipe to make @TudyBOT even more aligned with BYC and our community :)
  • "She" (based on our female hen mascot) is FAR from perfect and will VERY often "hallucinate". This is a known problem, and work is being done to decrease the severity and frequency of this happening.
  • ... that being the case: This tool is sill in testing mode, so please research everything it says/suggests before accepting it as correct!
  • Currently the gpt-3.5-turbo model @TudyBOT is based-on only has information up to September 2021, but in each case @TudyBOT is called, she can "read" the context of the recent posts in the threads and offer her "thoughts" based on her underlying model + the recent posts.
  • We're also evaluating the idea of integrating AI image generation (via DallE API) as an additional "BOT"
  • Our team will evaluate how she is used, how we feel she'll help/hurt our community, and then make a decision on if / how we'll proceed moving forward.

We look forward to your RESPECTFUL questions, thoughts, concerns, ideas, and feedback!!!

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I think Tudybot is going to be an incredible resource. Many of us have had a lot of fun rambling with her, but seriously I think it's great.
Of course it's different to having human members, but I see her as a really awesome learning tool for us all to use.

And if people don't want to use the bot, they don't have to! It really doesn't affect them since she has her own section separate to the rest of the forum. I think she is awesome and I reallly hope you keep her here!

My only small criticism is that she ought to have a disclaimer automated in her replies, that her information may not be 100% accurate for every situation. We can correct any small mistakes ourselves and we keep the BYC community spirit going as humans alongside this new technology. She won't take away from the forum, she will enhance it.

That's my view!
One quick note:

we decide to keep @TudyBOT around, a BIG question is where would she be "allowed" to be called / invited to participate?

My concern with limiting her to just her own "corner" is that we'll then run into one of my biggest gripes since creating forums 18 years ago:

Having a huge jumbled mess of topics in one "general" category! :sick

I really dislike having coop-design threads, funny chat threads, chicken emergency threads, breed questions, etc., all in one section of the forum. It makes organization, discovery, engagement, search, etc. a nightmare.

So, my inclination would be to allow @TudyBOT to be called-upon in a responsible way by ONLY those that want her to engage, in all the sections of the site. That way, if someone wants to ask her about knitting, that can be in the hobbies section. Ask her to write chicken jokes... in the games/jokes section. A quick chicken emergency help at 3am... the emergencies section.
Could her corner be divided into three sections?

1. Incubating and raising poultry
2. Caring for your flock: diet and environment
3. Health concerns

Something like this, somewhat general, but still with topics? Personally I don't mind a general section but I understand the eh.
Over all, I think the very least we should do is give her a fair trial period

Of course it's up to her creators ultimately
Maybe, one where all aspects of the forum are taken into account. For example, if the number of unanswered threads goes up we know she's pulling traffic the wrong way, people are just playing with the bot and not paying attention to the new members and their questions, but if the number of active new members who use the TudyBOT goes down we know they're just getting their answers and leaving, not sticking around to see what this place is about. An automated response is really a turn off for some people.
People will use it or not. Me personally I look at multiple sources for information and wouldn't feel like her answers were accurate enough (for me personally).. in essence it is one source. Not as accurate as an encyclopedia or dictionary, or a how to book even. That being said im not afraid/intimidated by it. A computers output is never greater than its input. It is a program and has no experience. I've seen some answers that could of been answered better by a human. But there are people who just want quick answers and this would be good for them..
Honestly, I am undecided. In some ways, AI terrifies me. :eek: I just saw a story about AI nurses, and was like "oh H#!! no!!" I often am unhappy with the lack of human interaction in various parts of life these days, just trying to get past the technology to get TO a human sometimes, one of the reasons I moved out to the sticks and am trying to live more like the 'old days'. I obviously do use technology and am not opposed to it, or I wouldn't be HERE. And it's not really possible to avoid it alltogether, it's here and it's staying, and in many ways is really valuable. But sometimes it really stresses me out. I will quietly observe for a while, see how it goes. But, particularly for some of us dinosaurs (I speak only of myself :lol:), it's going to be very hard to get used to.

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