Tumor on chicks right shoulder help

All I have to say is whoa. I have no idea what is wrong with the chicks but I know that after mine have a big meal their upper chest looks much more rounded (tumor-like I guess?). I worried until I noticed they all have it after a meal and it goes down after they have not had access to their food for an hour.

Why the language? There are some younger (young teens) members on here... no need to keep it an adults only forum yet. Hopefully we wont need to. Just breath...! If they are active you probably have time to get the experts opinions. They come on at least once a day!
I have a good suggestion for you;

Remove their food for tonight. I know this sounds like a mean thing to do, but they'll be fine for just one night, I promise. Then, check to see if the tumor is there in the morning. If it is still there, post again and describe it again. People on the forum will be able to help you even better, because we'll know one thing that is NOT causing it!

Try to relax, and have a good night. The chicks will be fine for tonight and more people will be around tomorrow to give you suggestions.

I understand... but not after feeding or anything...

This is a growth on their right shoulders... filled with fluid and all...

Moderators are good here...

That is good...
I am glad

man...I dont understand nor can I find anything on the internet about the subject...

What is wrong with them?

Peace to all in these times
All the chicks are eating fine and ALL have this "tumor"--I really think you are seeing the crop.
I'm trusting my intuition on this.
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These chicks came to me starving and thirsty...

Its sad... being an animal lover and sometimes they just think youll take the animals in...

Its more then food...

and the duck was in my bath tub tonite... he was dry and dirty when I got him...

I try to care but...

this is the weirdest thing I have ever seen...

And they are fine but... the bulge!

I am worried...

I have edited your posts to remove the offensive language. Please keep in mind that this is a family board.
Also, please be aware that this is a forum, not live chat, so there will not always be someone available to answer your questions immediately, but there are many helpful people here who will do their best to help you find out what is going on with the chickens that you have taken in.

Do you have a digital camera? If so, take some pictures, upload them to Photobucket.com and then copy the url and post it here so that we can see what you are talking about.


You didn't read me correctly. You have to take away the food ALL NIGHT LONG. Not just for a little while. Then, only in the morning after they have not eaten for about 8 hours, look at them again. Leave the water in there for them. I understand the little guys are sad and hungry, but you need to help them and it will be OK to take their food away just this one night.

I'll check the forum in the morning and see how your chicks are doing! But you have to take the food away for the whole night. No treats! Just water.

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that out! I learned something today.
But if it's not located anywhere near the crop.. hmm. I can't find anything online about chicken shoulder tumors either? Wonder what organ that would be? Just a joint?
How old do you think they are? If you don't know, what's the down feathers/adult feather ratio? Do they have mostly down or mostly feathers or half half? Might could help the experts.
MTchick, do you have a good picture of a chick with an engorged crop to post?
Thanks Homechick for posting the drawing, it shows that the crop is close to the shoulder.

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