Turkey Coop Build



Playing with the clay!
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Feb 1, 2010
Southern Virginia
Hello everyone! I have young turkeys that really need a coop and run of their own. Turkeys require 10 square feet of coop space per bird, and 20 square feet of run space per bird. Ultimately i will weed the turkeys out and keep 5 females and one male. Right now i have 9 youngsters and 3 small poults.
Today i started the build by preparing the site. It is pretty close to the hoop coop i built for the guineas, but hubby does not want another hoop coop. So this will be stick built, with a wood floor.
Here is the site. 20180617_105457.jpg
Today i worked on it , despite high temperatures, and got it almost ready!
Hubby will take out the small trees and big logs. Tomorrow i will go buy a new compressor, as mine died. So i will be shopping all day.
Since hubby didn't get the small trees cut down today, i did it tonight. And i rolled or dragged the big logs off to the side.
Made rough measurements and stuck in stakes to see how it will look. 20180618_202644.jpg
Bought some plywood today, got the wrong thickness by 1/4" per hubby. :rolleyes: And i got one too many bags of concrete. What a tragedy!:gig
My Turkeys like the hoop coops, shame your DH doesn't.. Mine don't care for enclosed spaces... I think I am going to build a plywood coop and move the chickens in it for the winter and let the turkeys have the big hoop coop... of course they will just want to roost on top of the coops while they are young. I have to have long stuff to get them off and into the coops at night.
My Turkeys like the hoop coops, shame your DH doesn't.. Mine don't care for enclosed spaces... I think I am going to build a plywood coop and move the chickens in it for the winter and let the turkeys have the big hoop coop... of course they will just want to roost on top of the coops while they are young. I have to have long stuff to get them off and into the coops at night.
I am going to build one side of the coop with just a knee wall, so it won't be totally enclosed. I was told they will likely use it mostly just to lay eggs. Do your turkeys use nest boxes, or just lay at random?
Progress today, raked up debris at the site and painted the edges of the plywood. Then hours later it rained, so i hope it stayed on. Trying to figure out how much more lumber i am gping to need. So drawing up plans.

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