Turkey coops? Share pictures!!!


5 Years
Feb 18, 2019
Central Washington State
Hey there! I’m looking to expand my poultry flock to include turkeys, and I would love to see or hear about what you all do for coops.
I am undecided about heritage vs broad breasted, would want them for meat and eggs, not looking to breed right now.

I live in Central Washington state, at 3000 feet elevation, zone 5b. We have wild turkeys in the area, as well as lots of game bird varieties. They would be joining a chicken flock of a dozen, no blackhead(for those who may worry) and sharing a large fenced(but not covered) run. Thinking of getting 3 or 4
We kept our heritage turkeys (they started flying in their pen at just a few weeks old) in a pen and they do fly up to their roost. When we thought they were big enough, we let them out of their pen. They just sat on the ground the last two nights and did not fly up any place to roost. How do we re teach them to fly up to a tree to roost at night?
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I just have a 3 sided shed 8 ft x 12 ft open to south with roosting bar. They only go in during extreme weather or for the shade during summer. They mostly use the outside roosting bars, even in the freezing temps of winter.
I move my turkeys out of brooder at 4-6 weeks and they do fine. By 12 weeks they are very hardy.

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